
Huge thanks to AW for showcasing some of my work! Had a blast and look forward to collaborating again soon!


I absolutely love the world of Avatar. Great video Tyler!!


Oh my god!!!! This is fantastic! Thank you for this!!


This is so epic! I'm in love with your Avatar ambiences. Great job, Ambient Worlds & videogameworlds. 
Thanks for the adventure!


Now this is spectacular!! Truly beautiful, well done🔥🔥🔥


¡What a beautiful piece! Thank's for share! 💚💚💚


I really felt connected to nature listening to this. It feels so good!  ❤❤❤


It's so incredible.. I love it.. You are a legend... Thank you for this.. A huge Thanks


Goodness, I just love this atmosphere. This is one of my all-time favorite videos, and I always look forward to whenever you post a new Avatar ambience :)


This is amazing. Seeing the images with this melody mix is... beautiful 💙💚


Потрясающее зрелище !!! Этот мир  и необыкновенные мелодии завораживают  и переносят в мир фантазии . Грандиозная по своему масштабу и качеству исполнения работа автора !!!  Благодарность создателю этого шедевра  !!! Вы ЛУЧШИЙ  !!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


sensacional!!!! adorei! faz -nos  viajar na música🤩🥰🎶🎵♥


* The best music whatever I have heard -_- big thanks ! *


Очень красиво просто потрясающе❤ талантливо благодарю за такое чудо❤


More Avatar!!! 

Have you considered doing any Ghostbusters for the new films and franchise in general? Lots of relaxing music and soundscapes.
I think it would be a great fit!


This is Amazing and it just draw you in the World of Pandora, and This is the first Ambient video I have seen out of dozens on YouTube that has such a good amount of video that is amazing as the soundtrack. Many ambient video always loop less than a 1 or 2 min, so Thank you for creating this Ambient Worlds and VideoGamesWorld. This video is wroth more than gaining a new Subscriber and likes. (Going to definitely check out the rest of your videos, keep up the good work).😇


muy hermosa canción y paisaje de ensueño... very beautiful song and dream landscape


I hope everything is okay Tyler! Haven't heard anything from the AW world in almost 4 months. Absolutely 100% fine to be taking a break, just want to send well wishes. Thanks for leaving us some wonderful music to enjoy :)


So awesome! Great for studying as expected. Thank you Ambient Worlds!


I reaaaaally love this! I would love to see some twilight ambience next 🫶🏼