Imagine the voice actors in the sound booth having to do death noises for the NPCs in case the player just decides to strike them down with a lightsaber.
For as unhealthy as they were for the industry (tight deadlines, poor working condtions, etc.) I kind of miss these kind of tie-in games that used to be all over the place. The vibes and gameplay these sort of games are unique in a way that makes them super memorable.
Anyone else remember "Jedi Power Battles"? It had co-op and a handful of the Ep. Jedi to pick from. Great game that seems largely unknown now.
"You're no Jedi" as the guy dies is the line that stuck with me since childhood. I'm pleased you got that in there.
Played this game like crazy, when I was 10. If it ever shows up on Steam, I'm buying it without a second thought.
"I need more room, Obi Wan!"
This, Episode I: Racer (the podracing game), and Rogue Squadron 3D were the defining games of my young-childhood. Just fantastic.
I loved this game. Me and my sister would quote from it all the time, "Everybody stand back I'm about to SLASH... all my prices!" This game wasn't great but it had character.
I got this when it came out, and still have my original disc, guidebook (which I got before the game), and mousepad. I cant tell you how many hours i poured into this game and replaying it, but being on Tatooine as Qui-Gon is probably one of my favorite experiences in a Star Wars game due to the many choices the developers allowed. 1999 was a fantastic time to be a Star Wars fan, it felt like there were endless possibilities in a vast galaxy. It was a wonderful introduction to the Prequel world through the media the surrounded the actual movies. They are some of my best memories and I'll always cherish them.
Fun fact: Captain Panaka in brazilian portuguese can be roughly translated to "Captain Idiot". Star Wars is infamous for having a very concerning number of names that means funny/inconvenient things in brazilian portuguese.
There is a level in this game when you land on tatooine and you have to run around Mos Eisley and solve everyone’s problems. It was my favorite level in any game ever cause it really felt like you were a Jedi and this was your day to day life . God I miss being a kid
Every time I see this game, I think of a particular quote from Team Four Star's playthrough: "Door's open, let's go!"
This game is an treasure , hopefully it’ll makes it’s way onto other platforms as to spread the joy it brings.
Who else here wishes that Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith had got a game in the same style as this one?
5:26 as a kid i always used to throw a flash grenade at the decoys (which includes the real Queen) just as the cutscene triggers with Qui Gon. The ending cutscene would trigger normaly with the ship flying out of the hangar, but this time leaving the handmaiden corpses behind 😂 ooops! (It also works with Anakin on encounter in the desert! Leave his corpse in the sand as QuiGon flies off with his new T-14 😅 Cheers Watto!)
Obsessed with your videos!! Been stuck in hospital for a few months and I seriously can’t stop watching them! Made up your back to releasing weekly content!! Keep up the amazing work brah
8:49, not sure it occurs on the PS version, but on PC, if you jump on stage... you may have a surprise... a violent one. Loved the game as a kid. Looking back, it was quite unique that you could influence the game through a choice of dialogues. The violence though... also unique for a game, especially a one for the wider public. be honest... I really liked the game. I played it with my dad when I was a kid. ...was a bit bummed out that you didn't get to take part in the race, but it was still a good fun. Also, cheesing the final battle with Darth Maul by shooting rockets at him instead of pushing him into a hole was the moment when I became a gaming munchkin, heh.
Any time the queen speaks in this, I only hear Azula.