My honestly biggest issue with this game other than how janky it is, is that it doesn't have a single original idea. They just plagerized a bunch of diffrent games, patchworked it into a frakeninstein monster, changed some things so the makers of the games they stole from can't sue them and called it a day. Uninspired, soulless cashgrab is what I'd call it in short.
If you've played Dislyte, the wishing animation has that same rgb tunnel thing. I kid you not, the EXACT same one
Those dogs...I couldn't stop laughing...
They always say "Genshin killer" to every gacha, open world game. There are almost no similarities, they are way overreacting.
3 weeks later and 90% of the players are just gone.
The wishing animation is my favorite. The way characters pose with their weapons in kind of portal, it looks sick.
Genshin for the most part DEFINITELY feels like the billions they made are going back into the game as they develop it.
Playing ToF since release to a few days ago, it's a mediocre game in the best sense of the word. It's not bad, it's not good, it's just ok. It has some good combat mechanics and animation, but subpar story and pacing. It does have different and interesting quests, but also boring dull ones. The world is populated with a lot of discoverable stuff, but it's mostly time-locked all the time, and starts to feel tedious after a few days. And the gatcha system is pretty standard as well. It shows a lack of polish that a game like Genshin has. With the risk of sounding smug, it's mid.
i tried this game and its decent, though genshin will always be my favourite
There is no genshin killer,and there wont be Genshin kills himself alone
The fact that honkai impact also uses the "~" button
A reminder that Tower of Fantasy seems incomplete, and that’s because it kind of is. Tower of Fantasy wasn’t set to be released for a while, but due to some laws in China concerning increased taxation of games released after February 2021, they decided to release it December 2020 in China, and then globally August 2021. Technically, this is more a closed beta than anything.
i love how everyone called this the 'genshin killer' and then stopped playing after like a week... the game sucks so bad that it made me realize how much better genshin was
Genshin looks like a PC game rather than a mobile ToF looks more of a mobile game than a PC you decide which u prefer
Tower of Fantasy, the Genshin Killer!
8:08 when agros last braincell died out that even throwing a box can kill him :kek:
lmao the chat was talking abt genshin in the gmae
Watch ToF just disappear the minute sumeru drops