
Non-fasting girlie here! The only reason I dont fast for my morning workouts is if I don't eat, I will feel dizzy during my workout and I won't be focusing on the quality of my reps and making the most of my gym time. If you prefer fasted workouts, power to you! If not eating before hitting the gym makes you feel like your dying inside, eat up girlie! It's your world, do what makes you feel good.


I've been taking dance classes as my "active hobby" and it's been SO. MUCH. FUN.


former athlete here! i noticed a significant change for the better when i ate before morning workouts in college BUT they were 2 hour high intensity; now i have no problem working out fasted if its before 9am i think it's workout dependent how much your body can handle without food & how it responds in recovery


I love the tip to get an active hobby. I started playing tennis twice a week with one of my friends. We honestly suck but it’s so much fun lol


High cortisol does impact fertility. It is a stress on the body. For those who are chronically stressed and or chronically ill, having increased cortisol production does cause problems. Fasting, high intensity workouts and even waking up excessively early can cause even more stress on the body.


I didn’t know this was a trend. I am always my most motivated at the end of summer through the winter months. Now 10 months postpartum with baby number three and I’ve never felt better getting back to my workouts. Same thing happened after having my second baby. I will have to go back and watch your video about Pilates and weightlifting. I am coming back to my fitness routine with just Pilates at the moment. Weightlifting was my primary form of exercise before baby, but now having to regain a lot of strength, I’m loving body weight exercises To avoid over exertion


So, I actually know a thing or two about fasted workouts. There is a lot of fear around being fasted while working out, and actually the same for feasted. BUT the science says, if you want to maximize gains (muscle/strength growth) be feasted, if you don’t want to maximize that then be fasted. But the other very important part is, eat and work out when makes sense for you. If you work from 5am -4 pm and then have to run to the gym and work out so basically fasted, do it. If you can only work out right after dinner, do it. Because no matter what your goals are in the gym hey are only achievable if you go.


Love your page! Been here since the beginning! It’s so cool watching you evolve. I went years without working out and had 4 kids in 4.5 years and now I’m back on my fitness game. I lost almost 60 pounds since having my 4th baby 7 months ago and I’ve loved being back on your channel! I do my workouts fasted in the morning too


thanks for the video :) i'm not going to follow everything to a t but these are my winter arc rules.
goal 1 : shoulder-length -> bra-strap length hair
* take multivitamins daily
* olaplex no 3 treatment weekly
* spray hair w/ rosemary water daily
* no heat styling or ponytails
goal 2 : 140 lbs -> 115 lbs
* 16 hr fast daily
* 80 oz of water daily
* no more than 2 meals/day
* 20-30 minute morning run
goal 3 : better skin
* 6-8 hrs of sleep per night
* exfoliate face once per week
* wear sunscreen on face during the day
* eat more whole foods high in unsaturated fat, antioxidants and collagen
* double cleanse face AND moisturize it twice daily


a long slow morning routine sounds nice, but I leave home for work at 6:30 am and have to leave lots of things done and I don't want to wake up before 5:30


Would love a video on pcos as there is so much conflicting info online and it’s very confusing 😭🙏


Hi Abby, I prefer working out faster because I prefer early morning workouts and I can’t eat that early! However, recently I’ve started going down the Dr Stacy Sims rabbit hole and she’s a genius so I may start incorporating something really small to send that signal to my brain she talks about.


I use your app and have for about a year now. What I’ve gained from following your plans and weekly schedules is access to workouts that help with my “busy brain” as you call it. I’m more focused and I enjoy the movement more. I’m excited about it versus just trying to get through it. And I feel happy and energized after and more often than not I also do cardio now. Making time for mobility and pilates is easy during the week when it’s already programmed into the schedule. I still get slow but it’s not as intense as when I was doing isolated leg days. Also, I hated training upper body so when I was doing a traditional gym split I would very often skip upper body days and the overall activity for the week was greatly diminished compared to now.


I love working out fasted in the morning😊. If I eat before runs I feel heavy and nauseated. Yes I still fuel appropriately throughout the day, believe it or not it is possible!! Love the podcasts Abby, I  need more and longer❤


44 year old women vent here! If you don't eat enough protein and fiber you'll get too much belly fat. If you're not lifting heavy compound lifts,  you'll have belly fat. Too much cortisol from too much cardio, that's way you have mid life belly fat. It can all be taken away if you do HRT and GLP1's. My brain hurts......lol


@10:40 is my exact description of why I prefer fasting, spot on!


I am loving these sit down videos! 🔥


Loving these talks, Abby! So topical.


I am Brazilian and have lived only in Brazil and Ecuador up until I was 30. Both countries have pretty much the same amount of sunlight hours year round and the times of sunrise/sunset vary very little. I have moved to Germany a couple years agos and boy, did it mess up my circadian rhythm. In winter, the sun comes up around 7:30-8:00am and goes down at 4:00pm, then in summer we get sunlight from like 04:30am until 09:00pm. It's insane! Looking forward to moving back to a place with more stable sunlight soon.


Yes, you should definitely watch Sunny.