
The ballon falling is nearly as iconic as the DVD logo hitting the corner of the screen


i love how everyone just stops what theyre doing to go downstairs. Dunder Mifflin always seemed like the chillest place to work haha


I really love how everyone so quickly, unanimously agreed to "Kill the Balloon" 😭😭


"The Office was still on Netflix when that balloon first went up there."


Dwight's reminiscing is probably the realest one out of them


"my Warcraft clan was still on speaking terms" lmaoo


I can't think of Kevin with hair without thinking of Ashton Kutcher


Legend says if a normal man could see what Creed was thinking, he would go insane.


This show really did such a great job of capturing the weird things that feel so massive in a job like that. Once a bird flew into our building and that was the only thing we talked about until we got it out


This is one of those quirky random things that makes The Office one of the best shows in history ❤


This is adulthood. Finding small joys in the middle of your work day.


When you have such a boring job like this, you learn to find joy in the little things and make fun wherever you can.


It's the poniac bandit! 😂


the way everyone turned on the balloon so hard after remembering bad memories


This show and this scene specifically, really make me miss the 2007 to 2010 days...😢


We all remember you pushing your bangs to the side Ashton Kutcher


Dugh judy is in the office, guys im watching it right now


Even Dwight had fun! 😂


i really love how this shows the truly stupid, mundane stuff people do at work when there's downtime. i hate that "culture" has been made into a buzzword for companies, but the cultures that develop in workspaces where people get along and are close-knit are so interesting and it is such a human experience. we do these kinds of silly rituals in my lab (where it's just me the tech, my PI, and our grad/undergrad students) all the time, and it's one of the main reasons why i love my job.


Its a real talent to create a fun work place and for it not to be toxic or unproductive