
Finally after waiting for years love her and her music since young


I used to listened to your covers when I was 6, I can’t believe that you grow this much!!


Pure pleasure to listen to. J.Fla has beautiful vocals.


I havent seen one of these videos since her fireworks cover. I'm so happy she has so much content to catch up on, such a beautiful voice from an even more beautiful woman. there is nothing to dislike on her channel.


I really like it when he covers songs. There's a Korean feel in the song.


Number of plays for this song is unbelievable 😔 such an underrated masterpiece 👌🏻


- "Fire track! 🔥"
- "Love this song! ❤"
- "JFA never disappoints! 💯"
- "Golden Key is a masterpiece! 🎨"
- "Inspirational! 💫"
- "Vibes! 🌊"
- "JFA's best yet! 👏"


эта девочка, с который мы общались очень давно еще когда запускали первые видео на ютуб, я очень горжусь тобой, моя дорогая! тем, что ты не сдалась и упорно шла к цели не сворачивая! ты прекрасна и талантива! счастливого путь! хо


Love you J.fla🌷✨


Actually I didn't hear from you in years, nice that my algorhythm brought your voice back to me. Right away one of my favourite tunes of yours^^


I’ve been listening to u for years! Especially in 2017! I love uuuuu


I've got to admit this has been my favorite song in a long time


This is such a relaxing song J fla 😍


Thank you so much for your incredible music. I've been watching and listening to your videos while working since 2016, and they always make my workdays more enjoyable and energizing. I’ve watched your videos countless times. Your talent and dedication mean so much—keep up the amazing work!


This song is really amazing!!💗 It is a golden song by a golden singer !
It is a real pleasure to listen to this song!!! 🎶🥰
And I love the video so much !! Perfect match with the song! 😁


I discovered you with the Eminem cover yesterday! Thank you, YouTube, for making me discover an artist like you! You are amazing! Sending you strength from France


Yet another beautiful and amazing song and video from the very unique and amazing @jfla 🤩🥰


앨범 발매 100일 축하합니다 🎉🎉🎉🎉
앨범 내주신다고 이야기하시고 궁금함에 잠 못 들게 만드시더니 앨범 발매되고는 노래에 푹 빠져서 잠 못 이루게 만드셨던 때가 엊그제 같은데 벌써 100일이 됐어요
매번 앨범 내주실 때마다 얼마나 시간과 정성을 담고 팬들에 대한 마음을 담아 내주시는지 알기 때문에 온 신경을 집중해서 듣게 되는지 모르실거예요
그래서 한번 들으면 쉽게 빠져나올 수 없지만요 ^^
앨범 발매 100일 다시 한번 진심으로 축하합니다 ^^


Jfla you are the best !!❤❤


what the heck is this!!!  i can't wait to hear JFla's songs XD