
This is just hyperbloom all over again. 

"What's the best? These three characters"


Correct Versatility is meaningless if it means you’re sacrificing massive amounts of damage on enemies the goal is to have the best team to conquer the abyss thats the end game if you’re relying on buffs from the abyss to get all stars you need to invest in religion because you will struggle as it gets more difficult with every update


I guess that’s a fair statement but most low spenders/F2P heavily focus on versatility. 

We don’t have the perfect 5 star teams to use and have to make sue with what is possible. 

We can’t afford to replace teams as the meta changes and are usually stuck to a DPS/carry for multiple patches.

Furina is just so much more versatile that she can basically be useful on any team. 

Usually we’ll have to mix and match characters to fit the current abyss blessing or buff, and some characters and team types (like Citlali melt teams) just simply won’t work. Abyss is also getting really niche specific now, so a universal character should be valued.


I think one thing that gets overlooked about Furina is the 30s duration of her pets. Eversince the release ov Xilonen and Citlali, I've kinda dropped in teams that basically weren't hydro because their extension into next rotations makes it impossible to get either swirl or debuffs on your DPS element.


citlali has nothing on furina for versatility.


Still pissed they ran citlali and mauvuika at the same time, then two useless banners for me, (I had arrle and clorinde)


So basically his list relied on Mavuika not actually the future abilities of a character. It's pretty clear Furina and Mavuika are the best characters currently in the game. 

Just because you get a new character doesn't mean the most overpowered character released in 4.3 is powercrept. Furina is one of those characters who will carry you in single player and in co-op. Save with Mavuika. Citlali is great yes, but has drawbacks (Citlali is literally my favorite character in Natlan so shush if you think I am wrong I am not)... Xilonen is undoubtedly better than Kazuha and definitely has an easier buff but well she has no damage output which in itself is why Furina is just better than her as a support. 

Damage overtime is better than a single hit. I'm sure someone will say "But Furina in heal most is damage loss!" Well guess the rest of these characters are not damage loss.... Bennett is overrated, but people will die in that hill saying he's the best even though he's very easy to powercreep if hoyo ever releases an attack buff unit but I've learned the Bennet cult are like talking to a wall.


To me, Furina is a jack of all trades. I pretty much never take her off my team ever since she first came out, i love her. 

Even if i won't want her to drain my health, i just switch to her heal mode(going by the comments people may have forgotten that) and pretty much have my health constantly max and when it's time for big damage, switch.

Whenever i judge a character in any gacha game, i judge them by themselves first then work my way up and I will say, Furina is an amazing pick for any account.


I had this convo with a friend but I’m a Citlali simp so no one better than her 🤭


Well as far as I know if you are making a tierlist for best character than ngl instead of deciding which is the best team you should decide it on the basis versatility and future proof coz furina is far more future proof than citlali and has far more team comps and can even make any 5 star give more dmg


The Mavuika core is just stupid.. and Mavuika doesnt need to be the support in that team.. Mavuika, Xilonen, Citlali is such a broken team you only really need the three of them.. add one more dps/sub dps/support in that last slot and now you have the most broken team in the game.. that's how absurd this core is.. yes it doesnt slot into a lot of characters, but like I said, you have the best dps in the game so why make her a support/sub dps in that team when Mavuika herself can tear every enemy apart..


furina is an aged unit, she will also get kicked out of neuvillete's bis team sooner or later


im at c5 with ororon finally gonna get c6 :)


"I don't give a f**k if a character works everywhere, the teams that they work in actually have to be good for me to consider thier versatility to be affective"
E.g Furina buffs elEula but Eula f**king sucks


If its a power ranking tier list then raiden shouldnt be in S or even A tier, she is B tier at best


Jello you used to be focused on characters power by their overall ability to buff and or do damage and that was better if you ask me. Citlali is not stronger by any means if you ask me and I have her c2 just because she gives a very big buff to Mav

Team strength != Characters power

If this is the criteria, logically we'd have to base the power on ALL teams she CAN be on because then you'd have an objective average power benefit. Which then does also incorporate some value from flexibility because if a character buffs more characters their average benefit will be higher. But not necessarily enough to converge a power ranking vs flexibility ranking. 

Under no circumstance could I ever rank Citlali higher than Furina for strength


How dare you, good sir. Furina is an angel.
I challenge thee to a slapping duel!
But yeah, Granny Itzli really got me hooked, especially in her story quest.


What if you use both mr.jelly


Citlali would've been so good if she weren't restricted to only pryo and hydro buff</3


Furina C2 > Xilonen C2R1 > Citlali C2R1
But it depends of the team. In vaporize/melt teams: Citlali C2 > Furina C3 > Xilonen.