Despite of the mother said.... He's still in the wrong and should be charged for PREMEDITATED distribution of sexual photos of a minor
"Miss Karen" is using kindergarten logic. "She started it!"
The reverse “If she was the one sending private photos of him to everyone for revenge, you would want her charge for that.” talk is BRILLIANT! And EXACTLY! The Karen, on the other hand, thinks her baby boy is a baby of a shallow creep!
"So he doesn't end up on the registry RIGHT NOW" is so fucking telling. It'll happen, just not yet.
You acting is so good that ur actually pissing me off lmao
Wow! That mom is unbelievable! So it’s her fault the pictures were sent to the school?! The girl was stupid but the boy was evil. We don’t punish stupidity, we do punish evil. Get it?
Wait, i’ve seen this reddit story. The way that mother expects the victim of the problem to be charged with a crime rather than her son who did wrong is just crazy
I love the way Rebecca has always been able to dig down to the meat of an issue and really clarify it for me. We usually agree on things but once she finishes explaining it I know WHY I agree. Lol.
Mom is lucky, I would have him on SA registry for like
Wow. In the USA, it's distributing without consent and is a misdemeanour. In the UK, it's revenge porn and 2 years in jail.
"Miss Karen", heh. 😆👌🏼
There was kids in my school that got charged for distrbuting, i assume they did it out of spite. And that didnt get well for them.
😢 the perfect example that people live in their own universe
The cold rage I feel for these people
"Sounds great! Glad we're on the same page! Buh bye!" 😂
There’s no buzzing 😊
I work in a DA's office and the fact that there are so many variations of this actual conversation is insane
Damn my nephew went to jail for this when he was a senior. It was a video. Hes an idiot.
OMG... I am SO tired of this stupid society defending perpetrators 👿