
3 hours? Does bro really think I'll watch the entire thing? Cause he is damn right


Its doey's three face in his transformation that does it for me. The two sad children, and that one angry face of the child in control. And then the realization that the last speech was most likely from Matthew.๐Ÿ˜ข


Iโ€™m a grown 25 year old man. And I have been waiting for this grown man to play this game. So Psyched


The way IGP kneels down when talking to the kids was so unexpectedly wholesome and touching. Games or not, good on you bro.


Igp being 6.9 (nice) is somehow the scariest thing I heard on this channel


I'm ngl. Doey has to be one of the best characters I've seen in Poppy Playtime so far. He's so unique and there's sm about him I wanna talk about!

A project made from three innocent boys; Matthew, who was an insecure but golden hearted teenager. Kevin, who was a "problem child" and was mentally unstable, and Jack, a boy who fell into a tank of the substance creating the Doey Doughman putty in the VHS tape in the beginning of the gameplay.

Tragically, Jack's parents were lured in by scientists of Playtime Co., who told them their son was alive, and left them inside Doey's containment unit to be silenced (probably by Kevin, since we hear Jack mentioning his mom and dad during the boss fight, which means he was unaware of their murders). 

Not to mention, Doey was LITERALLY the ONLY TOY who could escape the ruins of the factory, but chose to stay because he cared for the toys after all those years. A worthy sacrifice from our tragic hero. Rest in Peace and Power, my friend. U did your role well


6โ€™9โ€? buddy is the monster.


As a Subnautica fan who was initially terrified of them, that was most definitely a Reefback Leviathan. xD


I really appreciate how the text is displayed when you reading. Whoever was editing that part did a fantastic job, from the area image background, timer in the corner and text timed and large enough to read on a phone!


Gotta give props to IGP I've seen other people talk about it but insane editing and atmospheric sound effects, you add the subtle reverb in the caves or the muffling with the gas masks it just makes the video even more enthralling. Huge props man, love the game, love the editing, no wonder your as big of a youtuber as you are.


5:46 You do not just casually dropped us with that info man ๐Ÿ’€


I will never get over the small details of IGP play through. The echoing in the cave, the muffle when a mask is on, the ambient background when reading something my god I love the effort you put into this it makes it so good.


One of the things I love most about your videos is the appreciation you have for the art and stories of the games you play. You take the time to read, explore, and listen to every part of the game. Itโ€™s really appreciated, and itโ€™s clear how much effort goes into these videos. Thank you!


heh, love the 'find out about the flashlight' bit, he never realized that the red hand gave it to him


Last part:
Player meets Huggy again*
-Player: YOU!
-Huggy: YOU!


From what I know, Doey is voiced by Michael Kovach. He makes good Markiplier impressions and has a very wide range of voices. I think he became quite popular in the indie animation voice acting industry by now and he was voicing some other poppy playtime characters before. Jeez, I sound like AI reading wikipedia. I just wanted to clear that up because IGP seemed confused with the voice


It feels like they went "oh it's not scary or disturbing enough yet? It's too child friendly?"

That open was.... Absolutely unexpected


At 6'9", IGP is hands-down the most terrifying entity that his channel has ever encountered.


12:22 "Kissy? Kissy I'm coming!" Then starts running.  I hate to say it, but IGP sounded cute and determined there.


Every person I've watched so far has always just ran through as fast as they could, not stopping to look and be invested in the story and the characters. Had to do puzzles quickly as possible, ignored people/videos talking, small details, talked over everything. It made me very frustrated/annoyed (one day I will play the games myself!) I really appreciated and loved how focused you were with the details and story/lore and I was very comfy in watching, so thank you for taking your time and actually being invested in big stories like this. Plus the editing kept my adhd butt very pleased and interested! If you read this, thank you! (One thing you missed is during the Doctor's run through for the batteries, there is a keycard (orange I think) that unlocks a bunch of juicy lore behind the Doctor's Brain after you destroy him before the Omni hand! I recommend looking up the lore or if you play again to find it! Thanks again for a very pleasant playthrough! <3