
In 20 years of therapy it's the first time I see a psychologist explain my condition so well.


I am 65. I was diagnosed with BPD in the 70's. I promise recovery from the BPD is possible.The right help, hard work and faith you can have a life worth living are what you need. Good luck to anyone suffering. Never give up. You can do it. As fragile  as we are, we are also strong. We are survivors. ❤❤❤


Hope and Resilience: I got out of a codependent relationship over two years ago. I finally made the choice to be happy alone, instead of with someone who was wrong for me. I miss her, I miss the companionship, though it wasn't true and was mostly conditional acceptance. I'm glad I finally made the choice to break it off. Long story longer: I reached out to a local DBT therapist and fasted from 420 pleasures (going on four weeks now). I miss Mary Jane more than the ex, but am learning to face the BPD discomfort without self-medicating. Thanks Doc.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are a a gift to the world. I was diagnosed with BPD last year and I get frustrated with my set backs. I feel unlovable and like I’ll never live a healthy life. This video really inspired me to push through. I hate most YouTubers, since they speak as if our identity is BPD. Thank you for all the wonderful work.


It feels painful everyday having to deal with extreme emotions, the difficulty of trusting others and avoidance of interaction when overthinking strikes makes it even worse. My brain just wants to give up because it makes so many enemies over the simplest word uttered, or by their actions. Too much overthinking of what others might've thought of how I irrationally reacted at one moment, repeating that moment again and again. But by being more self-aware really helps and is a good start. I'm currently going through therapy and I'm hoping I'd get properly diagnosed. My doctor said it would take much time to open up to a lot of childhood traumas and developed core beliefs. Though I already felt for a long time that I have this difficulty similar to BPD. I hope others would understand and get a clearer image of those who have this kind of disorder without any more negative judgements.


Thank you for this video, Dr. Fox. Having an assertive advocate in you is very encouraging, and what people with BPD really need. Your videos go a long way in helping those like me who have BPD, and I'd like to think that videos like this one would also go a long way in getting rid of the fog that people around us have in front of them - regarding this disorder.


Best overall bpd video yet!!!!


Thank you so much!! From someone with BPD. What you are spreading is so helpful and always makes me want to cry. Hurting anyone or seeing someone hurt, even strangers, physically hurts me for weeks. I have NEVER wanted to hurt another person emotionally or physically. I have never even been able to want to seek revenge on someone who has hurt me. No one has ever believed that though, because caring about other people that much (more than myself) is impossible and a lie, so no one can put themselves in my shoes and see my perception. And because they can't see my perception, I am lying. I have hidden myself away in my room for the last 10 years, because everyone else matters more than i do and Im simply a wrench in their chain that makes them uncomfortable.


I can finally breathe. I was avoiding a lot of other YouTuber content because it was so triggering and negative. I feel negative enough on my own and that other stuff isn't helping. 
Watching Dr Fox videos are helping me learn about myself and giving me tools to improve my life and the life of my family.
Im a mom of 6 and I also have ADHD and the symptoms can be overwhelming at times. Im contemplating getting treatment for my adhd again but i don't know as i had issues in the past with it amplifying irritability at times. 
Our only son is 13 and has untreated ADHD. I asked if he would like to see what the options are these days.


Thank you for another lovely video and for pointing out how BPD folks are very often viewed through a negative lens (by everyone, authors, strangers on the internet, even clinicians) a lens that portrays them as "monstrous" or overly dramatic. I can’t stand BPD TikTok or instagram. The influencers who act like it’s desirable or downright evil to have BPD always leaves me feeling more misunderstood and ostracized. Thanks again


I have been diagnosed bpd since 2019. I am 190 days sober from alcohol and other drugs ! This has been very difficult, but with therapy and medication I’ve grown so much. Thank you so much for your videos they’re so helpful!!!


I always appreciate your nuanced and compassionate expertise.


Omg! I cried watching this cause I how you explain it made me understand myself . I’ve been diagnosed with BPdin 2015 but never got any help for it and never understood it. i’ve been trying to get help for it but it’s hard to find help. I was just hospitalized three times in the last month because of self harm and attempt of suicide after my boyfriend left me feeling worthless and him basically confirming that I’m worthless by saying I’m worthless and wants nothing to do with me. Thank you, Dr. Fox because I can now understand why I do what I do in all my relationships in the past.


God bless you, dr. Fox, you are the only therapist that really umderstands BPD and goves real resolutions.I have bought your books, so far your videos are the only thing that really helped anf give insight!❤


Dr Fox is very honest about the ability to successfully treat BPD over time. As an active psychiatric patient with BPD, coupled with c-ptsd, chronic (unresponsive to therapy), depression, and anxiety, I have made HUGE strides in my fight with BPD Using a group DBT, Dr,Ford's published workbook and card deck ( which I use daily during periods of stress in the related topic field). 
What I'm saying is, there is hope. You are not alone. The pervasive emptiness is still there some days, but SO MUCH LESS and not as bad. 
Dr. Ford, I wish I lived closer, I'd love to meet you sometime,  to thank you in person. ❤😊


I've been trying to help my girlfriend, and these videos are amazing.  Seriously, thank you. I've gotten the wow you are the only person who understands me, and I'm trying my best, but these videos are like a meditation and remind me of the patience it's going to take.


I also think the main communication issue between ppl with BPD and others have is, that ppl with BPD hate themselves and other people have never experienced that, so they cant possibly understand (or believe when we tell them) what we are saying, what we are meaning, or why.


I just got married in september and my wife reveal all symptoms in full blown for BPD, she got officially diagnosed. It's not a coincidence that her identity issues manifested as she got married and the tramau from a single parent home revealed itself in these way. I am struggling here to help her and myself. I feel powerless and hopeless especially when we promised our rest of our lives together. Daniel please help us. Pray for us.


You’ve just given me so much hope today! I’m in recovery from both addiction and BPD. While there’re days when you can’t just tell the family to shut up, there are some others when hope feels reachable.


You are inspirational and encouraging...please never stop helping those who have bpd...