
🔵Episode 1 "Elohim" here: https://youtu.be/tLwDBEMjAxs 🔵The 5th Kind Website:  https://5thkind.tv/ 🔵Paul's Website & Books:  https://www.paulanthonywallis.com 🔵Mauro's Website & Books: https://maurobiglino.com


In the Zambian language called Bemba, they have a word Elyoni meaning "bird", which ties in with the concept of being above or watching from above. There is another word/name of interest to this discussion in the Bemba language and that is Mulenga. Mulenga means "The creator" and can be broken into two parts Mu/Mo which is the ancient African name for Water (Mo-ses =out of the Water). ..and L'enga means "to create or cause". "L'engai" is also the word for "God" in the Maasai language of Kenya and Tanzania (hence the name of mountain called "Odonyo L'engai" which translates as "Mountain of God" which is near the Ngorongoro crater in the Serengeti National Park. Lenga also means "To Watch or Watch" in Swahili which ties into the idea of The Watchers which Paul alludes to all the time. But the most obvious connection of  L'enga or L'engai is to the god ENKI, it's simply a variation on the pronunciation of his name and furthermore there is a hint that the word "Engai or Enga" is the more correct rendering of the god's name compared to Enki if we take into account that En=Lord and Ki=Earth and Earth in Greek = Gaia. If we separate the Ga/Gi/Ka/Ki which means Ea-rth, and Ia/Ea/Iah/Yah which is Enki's actual name (Enki is a title meaning Lord of Ea-rth) gives you Ga=Ea-rth (The planet) and Ia(The Ruler of the Planet called Ga/Ka/Ki/Gi)........Ga-ia. An interesting side note of this word play is a place call Engi -Land (England or ENKI's Land), now isn't that interesting? Could this be why Engi-Lish is the dominant language on Ea-rth? Is this why "Engi-Land" rules the waves (water) because they are named after Enki (Ea/Ia/Yah) which translates as the "god of Water/Moon" in ancient Sumerian? From wikipedia we get the following passage...."Enki is the Sumerian god of water, knowledge (gestú), crafts (gašam), and creation (nudimmud), and one of the Anunnaki. He was later known as Ea or Ae in Akkadian (Assyrian-Babylonian) religion, and is identified by some scholars with Ia in Canaanite religion. The name was rendered Aos in Greek sources ".......Very Interesting.


Paul has condensed and presented everything that has been hidden for thousands of years in easy to understand videos and books, may the Father bless you and everything you do


Fact is that we've been lied to, about these matters, for over two millenia...only the truth shall set us free...


I am so thankful that the translations of the words in the bible are being explained to all that seek truth and understanding. I truly appreciate you both for bringing this to all that seek.


Paul, I am grateful for your undeniable contribution towards humanity, there is no value for your work,  thank you for standing up for your calling!


Yet another fascinating examination of linguistic detail that reveals the actual meaning behind what are probably - at least in some cases - intentional mistranslations that were intended to foster the adoption of monotheism as a mechanism by which to unify diverse population groups.  I am in my second reading of Biglino’s The Naked Bible, and eagerly awaiting Paul’s next publication.  

To that point, Paul, you have us hanging on your every video.  This is amazing, and I believe I speak for the community when I say that we are desperately grateful for your efforts and love the teamwork with Mauro.  One hopes that the truth will not take another 2500 years to manifest.


Paul Wallis and his guests are definitley a part of the Great Awakening and the coming future contact with our Galactic brother and sister's.  He is a a joy to watch, not only because of his on screen style or presenting the information, but because he has been through the church machine, shall I say.  Paul, keep up the good work, thank you.


Absolutely right.  Here is a point that everyone notices but talks about.  It is also important to note that while reading every book, no matter which one.  It is very important not to skip over incomprehensible words, this can cause confusion.  Inability to acquire and learn knowledge, appears after a word that the person did not understand and did not define.  Words in Tanach or any esoteric word can be incorrectly defined and cause confusion.  Therefore, this fact that you should not skip over an incomprehensible word, is the most important fact in the entire subject of learning.  My name is Yosef and I have lived in the Land of Israel for over 20 years, I have studied the Jewish religion and the people of Israel.  There is no better way to discover something than to be a part of that something.  I was obsessively religious and then I became secular and it was called to repeat the question, that's how it was called in the Land of Israel. Also, I got to see and get to know the whole mechanism of religion up close.  Indeed, there was something strange and confusing.  As above, the important data was deliberately hidden.  And there is a reason for that.  Why else did they hide the truth or simply translate it incorrectly?  According to what I know, this was done on purpose when I opened the issue in Israel in front of the rabbis.  They asked me not to tell it.  They claimed that it is true from their marriage they say and not everyone should know that.  Only at the age of 40, everything you say is taught here in Israel and it is called Kabbalah.  It is dangerous to study it.  Because you usually develop severe pneumonia after studying about worlds in galaxies and about all the worlds that are listed in the Kabbalah books.  If I'm not mistaken, whoever wrote all the books of Kabbalah has a record of everything, maps of universes, galaxies, a record of the amount of aliens in the galaxy and much more.  These books are thousands of years old and were written by a man who lived and ate and led his life all his life in a closed tunnel.  He wrote 17 books in the dark, in addition there is a record in the Kabbalah books about the landing of the spaceship that will arrive and land in Jerusalem on a thousand meter stone in the quarter.  Some Jews claim that the side of the Arabs is the golden dome where it will land and burn them all.  And there is a lot of data that is deliberately hidden so that they don't search for the truth.  Because anyone can open a portal and invite a man-eating creature here to Earth.  This was in the past and therefore all the portals were closed by Avraham, the languages ​​were changed so that they would not reach the truth.


This is amazing. I'm hoping this will be a huge series between Mauro and Paul.


Your dedication to keeping the revelations authentic and pure, is so pleasant. There’s a evident maturity about you that is rare but noticeable. I like to see people who have achieved a balanced soul, that know that my true reflection is my authority. So Iam not looking to attack or slander people to have status. I applaud you. I enjoy listening to your work thankyou


Aliens in the Bible - True Translations Ep 2 Elyon - Paul Wallis & Mauro Biglino.  Website Members Early Access: 🔵 https://5thkind.tv/bible-translations-episode-2-elyon/🔵 Patroen Early Access https://www.patreon.com/the5thkind


3 days ago I randomly opened my bible PSALMS 82 VERSE 1.. "God has taken his place in the DEVINE COUNCIL; in the midst of the gods he holds judgement'.. I stopped, left my bible open right there trying to process and unlearn what I was thought all this time.


I can tell what will happen 'cause I'm from Italy where Mauro tells these stories from almost 12 years: mainstream media completely ignored him, but his readers are slowly, constantly growing. 
I mean, there is a leak in the boat of their narrative..


Yes the book of Job when we were studying this made me cry because he was a good man who was faithful to his creator. Yet it was if their were 2 teenage boys. Wanting to place upon Him so much hurt,grief and Altho ne was rewarded. You can never get your loved ones back when they pass over.I still get mad.


This is a very coherent description of what these ancient texts are really all about. An alien federation guiding the emergence of the human race.


This was a " most powerful" discussion!1 The Most useful theological discussion, I have ever listened to!!🤩


This information is right there in the first chapter of the Book of Job which is claimed by many scholars to be the oldest text in the bible - predating what Moses wrote. In the Book of Job “god was meeting with his council of gods when Satan rolled in and god asked him what he had been  doing and Satan responded going back and forth to earth”. 

These types of clues are all over in the Bible as well as other ancient texts.


Just want to say I'm looking forward to this segment of Paul's, whom I respect dearly and have bought/read all three books - Escaping from Eden, Echoes of Eden, and Scars of Eden. 

Once we get to know true history , or better history than we've been conned to live with for eons, we'd be a step closer to actually ascending into higher consciousness. If our true history remain occult, maligned, cryptic, abridged, we just will keep recycling as "slaves." 

At the end of the day, this is not a question if whether we believe this or that. It is a question of: what do we know, could know, or may never know. If we start here, belief is irrelevant. 

Thank you for your great true sacrifice Paul. And I hope you see major rewards and blessings here on earth while in your body. Of course, as well as in your journey throughout life.


This is complete dynamite. Exciting beyond measure. I cannot thank you guys enough for opening our eyes.