
Full patch banners might be dead RIP


The fact that arlecchino might be powercrept on her first rerun is wild


Citlali is a must pull because this is her first and last banner.


Hoyo locks up their cyro units so everyone pull for granny bc she's not gonna rerun until we're in genshin impact 2!


Getting powercrept on your rerun is crazy


Don’t forget to pull who you wanna pull and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise ‼️


There is a 150% chance that Mavuika will rerun in a few months. There is a 0.69% chance Citlali gets a rerun AT ALL.
The choice couldn't be more clear for me. Skip Mavuika and get Citlali.
Especially since I already have Klee, Hu, Yoimiya and Yanfei, I am eating good on field Pyro DPS wise.


Ayy Clorinde appreciation. I'm glad I got her honestly. She's very fun to play. That being said, I wish her rerun was later, cuz man, I can't get her weapon with Citlali and Mavuika coming up


Citlali can heal up the enimes and i would still pull for her , ain't nothing gonna stop me from getting granny


I love clorinde so I always jokingly used to say clorinde is a better value pull than arlecchino and now i can actually spread the propaganda without being wrong, this is way too funny.


PLEASE im coping that mavuika dps gets nerfed and off field pyro is the play PLEASE IM BEGGING stop giving us pyro dps im sick of them


I don't get why everyone is losing their mind over Mauvika's current damage. Shes in her 1.0 beta phase. Shes is currently very overtuned. I don't see her making it to the next beta with these kind of damage numbers.


Is it normal that I have Xilonen and I dont even want Mavuika...like oh boy...big number...

Why is Citlali just so much more appealing than the Archon?


I am actually more hyped for citlali than the archon , especially after seeing how much she is xilonen dependant


I think Hoyo is more obsessed with the idea that all Pyro characters must be on-field DPS units than Minecraft Youtubers are with children.


I cried from both of my heads while watching this vid.


Bruh  orphan maker , dead beat , Gilf and pyro raiden is a line up of all time


i still can’t believe they’re hiding shenhe and rizzly away AGAIN


Ngl. Mavuika being a zero energy all offence stat  Xiangling with a 90% damage bonus buff with scroll and on skill pyro application who ALSO deals more damage than Arlechinno on field is insane.


Flip can you keep the things like weapon rankings on screen FOR MORE THAN 0.2 SECONDS please?