Damn... this explains why I resonate so much with Bloo... poor dude. Abandonment trauma sucks.
My favorite moment has to be when he confronted Red and saw him cry over killing a few flowers. Bloo realized Red was nothing like his creator, Terance, and that his desire for fighting him had been wrong. "What have I done."
I always saw Bloo as a reflection of Mac’s more immature, mischievous, and wild side. Clearly all of Bloos traits came from Mac which is why Bloo is often able to manipulate Mac into doing crazy stuff. But at the same time Bloo isn’t evil. Imo he actually started being less of a jerk in the last season. Honestly I always found him funny and he was my favorite.
Craig McCracken actually said he intended for bloo to go through character development/Growth when he learned lessons in each episode,but CN would not let the crew do that because they wanted to maintain the shows episodic nature
Love this little guy! Despite his jerky personality he is a good guy inside. There are many characters that cope with their anxiety/trauma through acting like a jerk. (Think Rocket Raccoon or Blitzo from Helluva Boss) It mostly stems from not wanting to connect too close with someone else out of fear of losing them. Bloo is absolutely heartbroken at the thought of Eduardo being 'shot'. Mac threatening to leave him or having to move. He literally BURSTS into tears! Also he's incredibly hurt by the thought of being replaced by Cheese. I think Imaginary friends don't age physically but mentally. If this show were to be brought back, it would be amazing to delve into into this part of his character more. and see him possibly change for the better.
I always liked Bloo, He was always my favorite character in this show, Even though a lot of people hate him, I love him, The show would not have been the same without him.
Younger me: Wow, Bloo is a jerk Older me: He's still a jerk... but less of one
Bernie Sanders voice: I am once again asking you to do a recap of Cow and Chicken.
Great video dude keep up the work
Such a classic cartoon
One of the strang cartoon I seen in my childhood but not as strange as courage the cowardly dog
I felt that Bloo DIDN'T overall deserved to be crushed by New Guy! While, he was a jerk sometimes. . . He wasn't as terrible compared to Terrance, Duchess, Berry or even Bendy!
I named my dog Mac after this show❤
Bloo’s always been my favorite.
We not gonna talk about the thumbnail?
When Mac's mom said to get rid of bloo, what does she mean ? Just kick bloo to the curve or just take him out back and kill him?
I really loved this show. I even rember when CN announced some time in February in 2005 that it will air on TV on March 7th 2005. I have watched many episodes many times over. One of the best for me is Adopt a taught Saturday.
can u make a video about craig of the creek that would be cool i commented for like 3 or 4 vids
I remember Mac's family being extremely toxic. Not gonna lie. If my parents ever made me give up an imaginary friend in a world that worked this way (they wouldn't do that, but if they did), then the second I turned 18, I'd leave and never look back.