
"Given how many books were written because their authors couldn't find anyone to talk to." Oh, this last phrase nearly made me cry. Such a wonderful and profound video


Loneliness is simply the price we'll have to pay for a certain complexity of mind - - - absolutely beautiful qoute, thank you as always


"Don't compare what inside you with other people outside" this quote helped me from unending loop of comparison, and i have one in mind for coping as poignant as it is for what i called desperation to be normal "a web to a spider is normal but to a fly, it's chaotic" i think profoundly, as a being, normal is an illusion, i wouldn't call people with autism that they're "not normal" we have our own portion, and we are good enough.


Omg the timing!! Everything I am going through.. word by word! Thank you for sharing this!


I always thought I was too different from everyone else and the weird one out. 

turns out, we are all as weird as each other... some people just suppress their true self for social & cultural expectations


The last line! My my!
"Because their authors couldn't find anyone to talk to." 
Finding our tribe is difficult as it's always been i guess.


I love the slow and steady narration of this one, as opposed to the usual slightly more fast paced ones.


The author of these essays just don't realise how much he is helping people to not go the sucidal way❤


The only common thing about individuality is the desire to be accepted for who you are, the good and the bad, inside to outside.


That was very encouraging. I’m realizing more and more that I don’t need my loneliness to go away but make peace with it, find some comfort and dwell on its good sides.


The most frightening thought I have is of the romance landscape, where everyone else seems to either be in a couple or very content with their situation, and I seem to be in an unending search for a partner that I will never find. This makes me feel lonely in this way. Even though I try to remain hopeful.
I also am aware of the fact that the worst way to try to find a lifelong partner is to constantly look for it, which makes me try to not even think about it and just enjoy the things I like. But it is a thought that never goes away


To be reminded that I lived different than most have always make me feel weirdly vulnerable, but I know I'm not alone....


Guess what: everyone is a weirdo if you look closely. And that's a good thing.


This is so painfully relatable to me it hurts. As an introverted high schooler with severe social anxiety, it feels like everyone else is just so happy with their life while im just trying to graduate. And im not interested in anything my peers are which makes it so hard to connect with them


I have been this way for 60 years, so I am pretty accustomed to it. As  always, excellent, School of Life.  Thank you.


Love this! We shall never forget that we all only know a small circle of humanity. We tend to generalize our behaviours, experiences, from what we know. But we don't know much on a big scale. Nothing at all. For me, the best we can do is always considering us as kids, constantly learning, being curious, and open-minded.


This channel is pure medicine.


My Mother once said the time will come when you embrace being different. Look closely, there is always  a kindred spirit nearby. ❤


Remembers me of a quote of one very pure hearted and lovely friend I have ;

"Strangers? Those are just friends I haven't met yet."


I have always felt different my whole life for being very introverted but what really made me feel like I was from another planet was when I started losing my hair at only 17 years old. I became an anomaly and people would sometimes stare at me in  public probably wondering why my youthful face was adjacent to a hairstyle of an old man. Now that I’m in my 20s it’s not as big of a deal as it used to be but I don’t care much about being normal anymore, there is so much more to life that exist outside the societal expectations we cooperate with.