
Intellectual migetπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Bro destroyed her Islamophobic career literally under 2 seconds πŸ˜‚




The guy with the PHD shut her up but her face was still like I wanna be right even if I’m wrong cuz I’m a white woman for tri gods sake


The effects of cheap weed


United states of Israel πŸ˜‚


Never buy no zaza from the gas station


Assalamualikum brother how are you im Abdul Aziz laskar form India


The United States of Israel πŸ˜‚


Mashallah good said


Bro, respond to Jon Oleskiuk, I beg you, there are too many ignorant people there, please guide them


Ignorance humiliated and schooled . Well done.


She’s not even European she’s some Asian Latina πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




Woman read the Qur'an with thr eyes closed or confused of the book of Deutonomy




Btw smoking weed don’t make you think like an idiot just saying


Muslim can't even look at girl twice and Makruh to look even once how in the world, 7 Heavens, 7 Hells, Hereafter we can do zina?


Epstein, Weinstein very Muslim names? Huh


Dont show woman