
I know a lot of us were disappointed with the initial release, and in my videos there was lots of feedback given. let me know if you guys also felt these were great changes?
also feel free to share more feedback and ideas you guys thought of whilst playing it.


The issue with Imaginarium right now is that equipping artifacts for all the characters you want to go with takes more time than the gameplay itself. This game REALLY needs artifact loadouts to save us from that miserable waste of time.


The maxed level bloom buff was insane!! It was so satisfying deleting the oceanid summons with a mono dendro team.


My favorite part of Imaginarium theater is that characters who are versatile and work with a lot of different teams and characters, like Ayato or Wanderer, become a lot of useful, as opposed to Abyss where you would rarely use them because there are stronger options in specific teams. It's also just cool to get to use my whole squad I've build up over the last 4 years when I usually use the same few teams in Abyss every cycle.


Characters that have scuffed application are fixed by the cards. If you pick the extra pyro application and use only Thoma, the combination helps a lot with maintaining pyro aura. That seems to be the general idea behind almost all of them. They did well with the cards.


The best way I can think of it is that: they fixed ton of problems, but reenforced the biggest annoying one. Which is the character requirements to participate….


Despite playing daily for 3 years+, i dont have enough characters

Edit: didnt build enough characters


great now?
brother they literally added like 3 new stages.
that doesnt change the random team building part of the game mode,
that doesnt change the random character gaining part of the game mode,
which are literally the reason why this game mode sucks, not because of its difficulty or anything. they didnt change literally nothing about the game mode to make it any better or worse.
its like 200 extra primos a month, thats literally the only improvement about the game mode and thats about it


I as a f2p was able to clear visionary mode, you just have to save good characters for hard fights and build characters to 70 with barely any good artifacts if you don't have enough characters


I think they should do the same thing in the divergent universe in HSR and set everyone's level to 80 and put preset kits on them so the character limit isnt a problem. The main issue with the character limit is that its just not possible to upgrade every single character unless you dedicate huge amounts of resources.


Main issue for me is that i dont have enough characters, but honestly i dont mind cause that means I have a reason to level up yaoyao and my other unused supports


I liked this better than before but I still wouldn't call it good.  I would give original IT 0/10 and now it's a 2/10.  The new path buffs are better but ultimately they're still quite simple and basically still boil down to passive damage procs.  There are no creative gameplay altering mechanics.  They do a better job of compensating for jank teams, as does the the enormous stat buffs for +4 characters.  With the ability to field 26 characters I found this easier than previous version but I imagine it would be brutal with < 26 due to how large those buffs are.  Ultimately it still has all the same core problems of weird random teams that don't make sense mostly utilizing duos or strong solo carries to compensate for bad team synergy with mobs tuned low enough to clap with trial characters.

Still too few flowers given.  Having to choose between characters or blessings isn't very fun if blessings are supposed to be the thing that makes the mode fun.  Playing random non-synergistic teams isn't very fun.  It's still fundamentally a game mode that leans AWAY from the Genshin combat system's strengths.  I have no desire to run it again after getting the rewards.

I think this mode is unsalvageable as is and should be scrapped entirely and repurposed into a proper roguelike that focuses on giving players opportunities for fun creativity with powerful buffs to uplift weaker characters instead of contending with oppressive restrictions and using buffs to overcome being forced to play bad teams.  

Also why does the turn-based pseudo-open world game have adventure domains in SU but the game which has incredible exploration mechanics just has a lobby and generic battle arenas?  Genshin is prime for having an actual dungeon crawler roguelike mode leveraging the overworld treasure and puzzle mechanics to obtain extra buffs blessings and characters or skip 'em if your account is strong enough to speed run.  Genshin needs a good roguelike mode that is focused on being fun to play and repeatable far more than it needed an overly complex scuffed abyss 2.0.


The 22 characters requirement is way too much, because of that most of my characters are 70/70 with no artefact and weapons, and I just relied on a few well built characters to carry.


I know people who are day one players and still just barely have enough characters in all the elements for the previous version, let along this even higher requirement. The part of the player base that actually attempts end game content is already small, why lock out a big portion of that with this absurdly high character requirement?


For me personally, I think the difficulty of the battle is just about right considering the bulk of the challenge is to actually have the required amount of characters built to a minimum spec rather than their build quality.
Forcing horizontal investment in order to even participate, should also mean keeping the battle difficulty to that of a lower side of standard.


The new revised version of Theater is much better now. I really only have two complains about it- difficulty in collecting certain characters for completing team synergies, and access to the mode. 

So solution for problem 1: companion shop to directly purchase an alternate cast companion but at a steep price so it may mean reduced fantasia flower spending per stage. You'd have a trade off that makes the decision of directly purchasing a character a double edged sword and can affect the run in either negative or positive way. 

Solution for problem 2: Opened accessibility to all 4* characters prior to Natlan's cast through Paimon's Bargains on weekly cycle, and Chroncicled Wish occuring more often, so rather than every 6 patches, it would be every other patch that they rerun. Helps to obtain older characters that never rerun too. 

It's a lot more fun now and the brilliant blessings ultimately serve to carry teams that lack synergies to carry themselves, so with that ordeal settled, the abiility to purchase companions at high price would create diverging paths in the way the round plays out, so you're forcably building synergistic teams for the main boss stages and using whatever's given to you as teams for the minor stages, OR you just build whatever teams you can and use brilliant blessings to buff your team up enough to low-diff bosses.


It’s for sure a step in the right direction, buttttt…

1. The buffs still didnt feel very impactful

2. The cast requirement is even worse

I wish u could invite more friend characters, but maybe it’s working as intended because im very tempted to pull for Kinich to fill this dendro shaped hole in my roster.


Far better. I'm still not fully sold on the character selection and the Vigor mechanic, but at no point did I feel truly stifled by a lack of options this time around. I didn't even take that many blessings and they still felt incredibly impactful.

I hope they iterate on the objectives. I think that's something they can push to help differentiate it more from the Spiral Abyss.


as F2P that's been playing for 3 years daily I've barely managed to get enough characters, idk if I will be able to have enough next time💀. I don't like it because it's still just a character check...


They should allow characters of any element for this gamemode. If they choose specific reactions for the buffs it will incentive and reward certain elements without locking the mode for people who have fewer built characters