My best male dps now ...his dmg 140000+❤...I don't need any easy...time to collect Astrit this year I'm saving my astrit
I rover sist comfortably at 115 Cr over 285 Cd with the event sword at R5, C6 and the new echp set, I love the new set of echos
My main is legit just rover, any rover, just rover
I don't have shore keeper and jinshi what's her replacement
Can I run Rover, SK and Aalto as dps alt? I don't have Jihnsi and I'd like to take this opportunity to run my boi Aalto on a team.
should use the set echo ?❤
Which is better Spectro or Havoc Rover? I am confused between them.
Can i use danji and baizi with havoc rover?
Can i go with new spectro set for Jinshi?
can i run rover yangyang and verina instead of baizhi
Why would you pair rover with 2 healers?
Whadya think avout Rover + Carlotta + Calcharo team?
Did you talk about the forte at all?