

- Dewey Duck


"No no no no, they're names were supposed to be Jet, Turbo, and Rebel."



"I could have been turbo!?"

- Dewford Dingus Duck


Donald did them dirty!


The first two I was totally fine, but when you told me the last one that caught me off guard. It made me drop my phone.


Dingus is a crazy middle name


"N-n-n-n-no, their names were supposed to be Jet, turbo and rebel"
"I could have been turbo?!"
"I told Donald, i wrote it down in case no one could understand him!"


"And Lewellen!"
"Please don't use my full name."


No wonder why Dewey was so mad at Donald and when Della told him his actually he kept on saying (or shouting) "I COULD HAVE BEEN TURBO?!?!" 😂😂😂

Imagine how mad if Della hurd that 😬


I mean, it was Donald naming them, what do u expect? 😂


I had a kid in my 5th grade class called Llewellyn


Louie’s full name is fire and nobody can change my mind fitting for the best of the bros


Ngl i always thought Dewey was a nickname for Dwight but ig that's because of the scream franchise


He could’ve been turbo!!!!!!!


Prayers for Dewey in school 😭


Fun fact: dingus is the name of scrooges grandfather.


But Jet, Turbo and Rebel are more character traits instead of Real names


At this point just call him barnacle dingle


Donald Duck: I always think by this. :/

Daisy Duck: Donald! >:(


Dingus got me rolling on the ground 😂😂😂😂