


The Witch King seeing Theresis & co trying to control the shard : "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power"


I think the Witch King has definitely been one of the most interesting background villains in Arknights for a long time. Every time his name got brought up, regardless of the event or the speak, it was always treated with such gravitas and dread, like he was a monster that scarred the very ground he walked on, and his shadow loomed over all of Terra even years after being supposedly killed by the Twin Empresses. Like, the build up to us actually getting to face him has been incredible, one of the most highly anticipated and feared figures in the lore since the inception of the game. And holy fuck, the Witch King doesn’t disappoint. 
And from what I’ve surmised from the comments, he wasn’t actually killed, just sealed away, and is actively working to RIP A HOLE IN DIMENSIONS TO FIGHT ELDRITCH BEINGS FROM BEYOND THE VEIL. WTF. He’s even more a monster than any of us ever realized!


1:16 It's a best transition in boss ost


Guys, turn out there is 3 version of this song! There's the normal version + Yellow Note and Blue note version! WHICH HE CAN SWAP IT WITH THE EVENT GIMMICK!

The version we are hearing here is a Yellow Note version.

Edit: More info came in and it's appear that player can edit the note map gimmick thingy. So, in actuality, all songs in this event have a lot of variations.

At least, that's from one of the source I found.

Edit 2 : Now that people have pull out ll the new song of the event (at least i think that's all of them). I can say with high certainty now that the trailer version of the song is....basically a mixtape. It got the intro from another song, and then follow by yellow note (strong) version with some modification.

Edit 3 : The official soundtrack is out and there is the trailer version in them call "The Theme (Variant)".


Aww yeah, the PV theme is the boss theme and it's freaking amazing! The fast pace orchestral melody and the haunting chorus is just *chef's kiss*.


Witch king is definitely a madlad, He's the only one who's got the ball to go solo against the observers  😂


Literally "You fools, I was holding them back!"


In a world where magic (Originum Arts) is analogous to singing, of course the most feared King of a nation known for musical prowess would also be the most powerful spellcaster.


I still can't believe how good this is.




Absolutely stunning OST. 1:20 had me literally jump out of my chair. I'm SO hyped for this event. It sucks that I'm on global so I'll have to wait a full year, but more Witch King lore + Arturia and Vivianna excites me to no end.


The witch king literally was the MC going on the bad karma route


“It’s a tower defense game, how good can the music really be?”


Classical dubstep? Man thats sick as hell


The amount of Adrenaline this boss theme is giving is through the roof also it feels like your composing a song that will be remembered for centuries!!!


Outstanding concert! A Leithanien alma mater friend of mine from university recommended me to come watch the Güldenesgesatz. To my surprise, His Majesty Herkunftshorn Himself graciously chose to join the play! No ruler outside of Leithanien's would decide to play such complex scores nevertheless having an ability to play an instrument!
Though I must be frank, the direction of the play act and choice of furniture in the concert somewhat disturbed me; On random occasions, His Majesty gets slightly irritated and some of the Caster Players seemed to turn to creepy flesh-like statues! I'm sure it was an elaborate illusion arts act as nobody around me evacuated, but I think they all are also somewhat intimidated as they were eerily silent and still. Is this also part of Leithanien tradition I wonder?


Sick boss theme as always💯💯💯


If someone asked me for the definition of "Masterpiece" I would show em this boss battle theme


Me and you now. No distractions, no wingmen, no war. Just me and you. Whoever wins is the best pilot. Every safety's coming off, no second chances.