
The gameplay is really fun, the sense of speed is incredible and it has really stood the test of time so I have to disagree


Still fun and bought it for my ps5 and still play the mess out it and loved it as a kid still do but forgot how hard it gets


One secret to success is to max out your pit crew early in the game


This beats every star wars game bro, trust me bro


I want to see you pass the Abyss.


I've been playing this on Xbox and I've been having fun going full speed in the right corners


Played it last night on N64, Later tracks are really challenging


As a fan of Star Wars, I love this game


Homeboy didn't even boost in the footage and gave the game a C. Try again with the go fast button


"you no buy, why nobody buy ugggg" -sebulba


What a cute little chanel , definitely underrated


Smh lol that game was amazing


You need to speed fastest


It honestly doesn't even bug me as an adult replaying this game and realizing theres really almost nothing to the AI in terms of difficulty, the game largely becomes just you racing through the coarses and the ones in the later circuits are a lot of fun, they're pretty wildly woven together and some have the potential to completely turn you around if you take the wrong turn. For a racing game the openess of the tracks was and i think still is very unique to the genre to this day.


Its still better than most racing games made in the last 10 years


Terrible take. It’s awesome


I have racer revenge on my ps5. It’s something that came bundled when I first bought a ps4, so I have the digital title and can still play it!


Full video: https://youtu.be/qKETxyJzih8


Still own the n46 version and just got the xbox version. Xbox has all kinds of glitches with the sound and appearance  my engines have black voids instead of flames... and my left ear is enjoying the sound effects while my right gets only music.. the game was awesome when it came out and it holds up.


Agree to Disagree… S+