
"You shouldn't go for characters that don't appeal to you... If it's not a character you like, if the gameplay loop doesn't seem interesting to you, don't waste your time."

Sage wisdom. I think I fall into the meta trap too often but I'm really trying to pull myself out of it.


Even the Pyro archon needs Benette, who is the Pyro archon now....


Wow, Zajef is pissed off for the same exact reason I am. These banners are ASS and the manipulation is on very clear display with them. Really aggravating.


I like characters with thematic links synergising with each other, but this feels like it's going beyond synergy and into dependence.
The region specific mechanics being so heavily baked into the characters kit feels dreadful to me.
Fontaine's Ouisia thing had zero impact on character design and interaction, if anything the theme was hp manipulation which anyone could interact with.
Natlan has nightsoul where it's impactful and if you're not Natlan you're not going to interact with that, both for every prior region and, presumably, every region going forward. That kind of lock on synergy is just poor design imo.


They are really making me not want to pull any Natlan characters


They are so evil with these banners seriously


Finally someone gets the problem and isn't saying "just save"


It's death by a thousand cuts with Hoyo.

No, their shitty behavior isn't new. The nicer behavior they show in their other games isn't because of kindness, it's because those games are less popular and want more attraction to draw people in. Genshin is big enough for them to be shitty. It isn't a shocking revelation, but I don't see why I should support that reasoning. 

Call it scummy or call it business, I don't care. I'd much rather play their less popular games and not feel as bad about it. Playing something else entirely also totally valid.


Sure was nice of them to include the pyro archon on Mavuika's release.  Don't want a niche character like Mav to feel too gimped right off the bat.


What if Raiden needed resolve to burst, and only Inazuma characters generated resolve, and Emblem only worked for characters that generate resolve?
Sara: 😂
Xingqiu Xiangling Yelan: ☹
Kid named finger: 😐


Starting to think tier lists shouldn’t assume 4-stars are c6 because especially newer ones are so difficult and predatory to get to high constellation


This feels like the beginning of a new era of greed for hoyo


Natlan in general has been a noticeable turning point in the monetization of game mechanics, and I do not think it bodes well. Codex and Cinder City both just being a region-locked buff felt skeevy from the beginning, not to mention the phlogiston mechanics being absent in other regions. I'm not sure I'll be sticking around if this is the route the game is gonna be taking, and I say this as a day 1 player


Happy new year, beautiful people


If Hoyo gets away with this kind of kit design, then I'm sure that Snezhnaya will have their own version of "Nightsoul", and the Cryo Archon's gonna need other Snezhnaya based characters that uses that new mechanics for her to function.


I genuinely hate everything that has something to do with nightsoul points and all that bullshit. Having characters need to get those points which is only possible with characters from Natland, to get more damage or even require them to get the burst, as it is in Mavuika's case is just fucking bullshit. Not only that, but also adding enemies to abyss that have shields that take like triple damage from Natland characters and are otherwise almost impossible to break without them is just awful. I guess I'll be skipping most of the Natland characters and praying that they don't do same type of bullshit in Snezhnaya


Decided to used all my Mavuika funds on my first Neuvi after her kit reveal, and having been skipping other Natlan chars just for her, well it was a good decision. I'm glad this banner proved my decision to give up on her early was correct.


yeah honestly this game hasn't felt like itself in a long time since fontaine ended, I don't know what happened but i dont really have the motivation to keep playing this game like i used to


We really need a better 4 star acquisition...


I really hope Mauvika's banner flop as an archon, her reliance on specific Natlan characters (and not even Natlan characters in general) is so despicable. Hoyo is clearly going in this direction to see if loyal players are willing to spend more than they already do. I am personally going for Citlali because I don't even like Mauvika's design and even more because of her conditional playstyle. Good luck to everyone pulls!