
I’ve seen a lot of misinterpretations of what I said in this video, so I would like to re-clarify some things: 
- I never said I thought Velma was a good show. 
- I never said it couldn’t be critiqued or that it “didn’t deserve the hate”. 

- I never even said you shouldn’t be happy that it’s cancelled. (That’s what some people online are saying but NOT what was said in the “in my personal opinion” section of this video) 
What I did say was that I could UNDERSTAND how this discussion could be more respectful. I apologize that I didn’t make myself the clearest in the video, it’s difficult to try and fairly cover two sides of an argument in 60 seconds. I’ll try to do better with this next time ❤️


No one is celebrating the animators lost their jobs they are celebrating of the show itself being canceled this is not the same thing as hating the people who animated it they just don't like the show itself it's a huge difference


I don’t celebrate the artists losing work, I celebrate the creator not being allowed to turn a beloved cartoon into a shitshow


Still pissed that inside job got cancelled. ESPECIALLY on a cliff hanger


I feel it’s important to remember that this show is basically just murdering someone else’s wonderful art and beating its corpse into dust


The animators are not the ones I’m celebrating the downfall of, it’s the poor writing and directing. Without criticism they’ll just keep making terrible decisions like this show and getting away with it because they think people like it.


They refused to listen to the constructive criticism they caused their own downfall no one should pity them.


The only person who I celebrate losing a job is the person who created it to both ruin an entire franchise, and also Mindy Kaling. I truly hope both are blacklisted from Hollywood for putting together 2 seasons of character assassination.

At least Scrappy got a redemption arc for the fans. A true American hero.

Spit as much Venom at me as you like, these are my opinions and nothing shall change them.


I am glad that the Velma show is over. Either way, I hope the animators get a better job than this abomination.


I just want to say this Velma did not get a season 2 Warner Bros ordered for one season and split it up into two fucking the animators paying them for one season


Im celebrating, you cant say we shouldnt be happy at the death of soneone art when this art was made off the back of someone's eles art, the disrespect to the fans and all of the stuff they said to people who give it genuine criticisms.


I do think you miss understand they split one season into two they’re already out of work because max didn’t want to pay


Bro did not get the comments he was expecting 💀


We aren’t celebrating people losing their jobs, we’re celebrating their freedom


Why would anyone blame the animators for this


I’m celebrating the fact that the animators now have the opportunity to work on something better.


If they had made Velma not based of Scooby-Doo characters, this show probably would've done good


It's somehow fitting that Scrappy-do was the demise of this


I totally understand not celebrating a bunch of people out of a job. It's important to specify that we're not doing that, we're celebrating a bad show being done for. I do hope any of the good, talented people who worked on this show find other work.


HBO MAX: Velma is being cancelled

Me: Woo hoo!! 🎉

People: Wow, so you're glad these animators are out of a job?!

Also me: 😐🙄😒