
As a former razor main I take a offense to that sir.


Dude uncalled for razor is the best I am very offended


bro lisa is so useful, principally when u do a hyperbloom team as a starter player


It’s actually a decently solid team comp if you think about it. Lisa has defense shred, and Xinyan can be built with full DEF for shielding. Aloy acts as a cryo applicator, and Razor is the main DPS


As a former xinyan main, and my best friend being a razor main, we take offense to that


as a razor main i take extreme offense 💀


As someone who maimed razor for the longest time, I do NOT appreciate the slander-


as a former Xingyan main i took offense to that


Ok but before you say Razor is useless, you should see my Razor build. It's not quite done but he's still rather strong


Bro lisa literally got an offer to have a seat in the hexenzirkel




My friend mains xinyan and she is A BEAST. Cons c6, lvl 80, and her burst once did 90-100k.. I was beyond shocked


Lisa is my best girl doing 10087damage from just one pyro shot with my amber..


As a Bennett main, I take that as a offense leave my lupical boi alone


Lisa is honestly not as bad as y’all say, she was my main at first and i still use her with neuvi and nahida


As a former Lisa main with a level 90 Lisa, I am excruciatingly offended 😢




As a Aloy enjoer ( i don't have her but a played over 4 times her two games)) i firmly believe if you built her right she would be a good main


Aye give Aloy a chance alright.


Maybe gry building these character first, rather then using then unbuilded in the open world with high level?