As an on-fielder her kit is great. The problem is, I think the majority of people (myself included) wanted her to be primarily off field with a lot of utility like relatively fast pyro app, team buffs, and possibly damage or interrupt resist
The bike does normal attacks, charge attacks and performs combos. I bet the bike equips artifacts onto itself too.
When leakers said that she was dehya pro max i got confused. But now for sure i can say that she is indeed dehya pro max.
Expectations: Bennett/Xiangling powercreep Reality: Burgeon Dehya powercreep
4 years and Bennett is still the pyro archon wtf
Finally I can form my own opinion
i know she’ll be strong but i’m disappointed in her kit. literally every pyro 5 star is an on fielder, they couldn’t mix it up for one character?
Imo Mavuika is surprisingly hype but also disappointing. First still not having a 5 star Bennett/Xiangling is very disappointing, but also it does feel bad to have her be another cracked damage dealer since the likes of Arlecchino and Mualani already exist, and it’s not like Mavuika is a straight up upgrade in all scenarios over either of them, so idk it makes her feel redundant. Still amazing super hype animations bro her burst is so hype
As a primarily HSR player I always wondered if genshin would explore the "no energy cost" for ultimates
People are dooming Mav not because she's a fraud at what she does but specifically because of what she does. Everyone wanted the pyro archon to be the 5* Xiangling/Bennett with heaps of utility but what we get instead is another DPS with off-field pyro app that honestly just looks like an afterthought addition. It's honestly disappointing and makes her feel almost entirely redundant for people who already have multiple Pyro DPS built.
I'm glad everyone else is feeling the same way about Mavuika's kit. Why didn't they just make a super good off-field pyro damaging support... we don't need this many on-field pyro damage dealers, especially this frequently.
Pyro archon: 😀 Pyro traveler (how badly are they gonna fuck it up this time): 😮😮😲😲😲😳🤯🤯🤯
And i thought my Mualani team will get a new teammate and here i am realized i can't escape Oppa.
She does seem very good, I personally wish they would have leaned more into her supportive capabilities since literally every other limited pyro is an on fielder, but i'll still pull for her anyway
I rerolled a dozen times to pull Diluc when the game launched because he was the best carry at the time. I pulled Yoimiya because I couldn't get Hu Tao at the time and my Diluc had fallen off. I pulled Hu Tao on Thoma's debut banner because it took that many pulls to get him. I pulled Lyney because I'm one of five people who likes Ganyu's charged bow shot playstyle. I then got FOMO'd into pulling Arlecchino and her weapon because of how powerful she was. Now can you guess who is wearing the clown suit who is feeling FOMO'd into pulling his SIXTH on-field Pyro carry AND her signature weapon because it seems ridiculously powerful for every Claymore user in the game? I just wanted the Archon to be a 5-star Xiangling man....
Thank you for doing the kit analysis video early bro. Sometimes it's good to just have an idea what the unit does at a glance so we can prepare.
Flip we dont care about her bro! take this video down and make one on Pyro Traveler the real star of 5.3
we will never be free of OPPA
I knew it. STRONG off-field pyro is waaaay more useful than DPS, so they, in the end, did not outclass Xiangling but made a jack-of-all-trades kinda character. Still…I don’t like her kit that much either. She doesn’t feel like she’ll play well with many others.