everytime i see a neighbor being hated i just think of "DINKELBERG"
Dinkleberg was actually SO THOUGHTFUL that he pretended to be a villain JUST to make Timmy's dad feel good
I love how Dinkleberg ended up turning his home into an evil lair in that one episode where he made Timmy’s dad believe that he was evil
this paints timmy's dad in a better light
Tom and jerry : ARE WE ROACHES???
Cononically Timmy's mom is the only bag dinkleberg fumbled
He hates dinkleberg because dinkleberg hurt his love's heart by leaving her for money
The most iconic rivalry in cartoon history you say? Doof and perry would like a word
There was also an episode where dinkleBerg revealed that he had been evil the whole time
Mr turner looks exactly like Timmy at a young age
It Basically Like SpongeBob And Squidward!
"Most iconic rivary in history" Tom & Jerry & Mr. Krabs & Plankton: What are we? A roach?
Conspiracy theory;Vicky had a worse childhood than Timmy: growing up Vicky's babysitter was worse than how she is now. Her parents demanded her to be the perfect daughter making her work and study endlessly (that's why she can read at age 5 in switch glitch) and only giving her attention when it came to criticizing her for the smallest mistakes. Her fairy godfather was Jorgen who was more of a drill sergeant and abandoned her for being too weak. Eventually her little sister was born and was spoiled by her parents making her hate kids, the final straw was when her parents got rid of her turtle because it scared Tootie. This explains why her parents fear her (more guilt than anything) and she becomes a people pleaser for the people that she loves or show her the slightest kindness because she secretly fears abandonment. Vicky's severely money motivated and wants to marry someone rich probably because she wants to move away from her family which is super sad because she had an ad in the paper when she was only 14.
Reminds me of quagmire falling in love with Lois and Peter got her in family guy
TBH in the modern FOP of Seasons 6-10 most of people thinks is to take advantage of him
Bro its like Homer simpson and Ned flanders
Mr Turner and Dinkle Burg Is like Home and Ned Flanders
Bro Timmy’s Dad did the gold thing we never knew.