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I only pull on that scam banner when i want both weapons. And even then i can still get shafted by standard bs.


I wish the weapon banner had separated featured 5-stars weapons so that it wouldn't be as much hassle as it is currently. :(


There's IMO 4 scenarios when pulling a 5 star weapon is worth it.
1. It's a very good generalist option for multiple characters you like.
2. It's a very good support weapon (like crane's echoing call, Nilou signature, Elegy)
3. Very good weapon for characters that do most of the team's damage output, like Scara or Neuvillette.
4. It's for a character you really like, so you just want to get the best for them.


Another thing I wanted to add regarding the 5 star weapons is how often they arent the best options just based on what artifacts you have available. I have SoH for HuTao but rarely use it on her because I have yet to roll a decent crit rate circlet. So the RNG of artifact farming can essentially stop a character from properly maximizing the increase their signature weapon offers because of overall stat balance.


IMO vertical investment priority should generally focus on teamwide significant damage buffs first- things like Furina C1/C2, Nahida C2, etc.,. as their contribution to team dps is a consistent percent rather than dependent on damage distribution. Since no character does 100% of the team's damage, basically every personal damage increase gets diluted, and this is obviously a lot more apparent with most mixed distribution teams.


Dude your channel is awesome. Quick intro outro. Informative explanation with no time wasted dancing around the topic, like streamers. Plus the info given, like from this video, is something even a veteran player like me could learn from.


Wonderful vid! It provides us very good perspective on 5 stars weapons. If I may give a suggestion tough, it would be great to implement timestamps on your vids. Thanks! Keep up the great work!


Tbh I just want 5 star weapons for characters whose best alternative is a 3 star. I love Tighnari, it just feels disrespectful to give him Slingshot, or Alhaitham Harbinger... even if it's not their sig they deserve something fancier, haha


i personally, only pull for weapons for characters I really like and want them to do more dmg, more often than not, their sig weapons look really good on them which is something I favour as well

this is the exact reason why in hsr I always try to use the LC on a char with their face on it even if its a worse option for them unless I literally have no choice and the LC with their face on it is just a plain bad option


One thing worth noting about the Redhorn... it is good for Itto, but it also is great for Noelle and Xinyan. The latter especially. So it is a five star weapon... that also essentially gives you a new four star to play.

That said, the biggest hindrance to five star weapons is the weapon banner system. It is just so full of fail, with two featured weapons, the five four star ones, the pain of getting refines for the weapon banner only four star ones, and so n. It, I'd say, is probably number 3 on my list of things Genshin needs to address. #1 being lack of an endgame/stuff to do when we have more time to play and #2 the amount of artifact RNG.


Really liked the way you systematically explained this topic. Hadn’t thought about a weapon’s value as in its contribution to the entire team’s damage. What would have been nice to mention is the the fact that a signature can make a character easier to build, mainly because of crit stats and sometime high atk or hp scaling to reach certain thresholds. Especially for newer players like me, who don’t have that good relics and struggle to maintain a good crit ratio without such a weapon. Yes there are some crit 4 stars like the BP weapons, but they’re not free either.


Variety is the spice of life. I think there's no reason to pull for a weapon before you feel like you have enough characters to experiment with. My Main DPS units right now are Xiao, Diluc, Eula, Childe, Cyno, Neuvillette and Navia, all Floor 12 ready. After I get Kazuha, I may consider sniping Neuvi's signature, but he's hitting 45-50k per hit with Amber anyway, could just save for Natlan.


Ah yes, let's embrace the favonius meta.
Favonius for love, favpnius for live.


I don't have a single signature weapon in my account, for me it makes the game more fun using only "free to play" weapons since the end game is relatively not that hard especially if you're a veteran player. Though i do understand people pulling for the signature weapon just for the aesthetics, same reason why people buy the skins 😂


valid arguments but fashion impact, also personally i rather get weapons over constellations even if constellations give better returns since most of them dont change character playstyle just like weapons but weapons can be transfered and in someway change the way u build characters via stat allocation


I pulled on 5* weapon banner when I needed the 4 and 5 star weapons so I can build more characters. I have every 4* and I enjoy them very much. I like swapping teams a lot so they are all decently built with their own builds. As such, I have very random smattering of 5* weapons. I haven’t pulled in a while because the event weapons have held me over.


For me it's all about the crit on 5 star weapons. It makes it significantly easier to build characters when I have a crit weapon. The 4 star weapons with crit don't seem nearly as good except maybe serpent spine but that weapon also has an annoying effect if not run with Zhongli/strong shielder.


Do the same weapon ranking for 4 stars, past c6 the 5 weapons are one of the few ways to vertically invest in parties with 4 stars who cant get extra constellations


Weapons are transferable, that's enough to say that weapons are an over time more worthy investment than a character's constellation or even a character.
Though long term weapons are also susceptible to more competition as well. That said, characters open up new gameplay, which weapons rarely ever do, meaning that characters are still probably king, but weapons might be better long term unless you plan to play the same team for years. However, that seems just miserable, unless it's an infusion or otherwise gameplay changing low con upgrade.

I just know that the increase in damage from Oathsworn eye to Xianyun's signature was direct and insane. It was like 35% or so on the plunges.