The Yanfei salesman, cook and spread the words of god 🗣🗣🔥🔥
Glad Fischl gets the appreciation she rightfully deserves
Man heizou is severely underrated. Like he does both buffing & defuffing while dealing some damage
Finally someone aknowledges Lisas existence. Ever since Ive gotten Alhaitham Ive used her as a burst support on Fav with Emblem and she has been doing amazing
i did build my Yanfei just to fight the thunder manifestation in the abyss, she did very well. I'm trying Sayu now and i'm having a good time ttbh.
The most fun times in Genshin were when I didn’t have all the characters and had to be creative with teams to make them work. A lot of people get tunnel vision on strictly meta when they really can just restructure some teams, split apart their absolute best team and make two slightly weaker teams.
Thank you for reminding me about Yanfei. I used to main her (she’s my first out of two triple crowned units) before dendro meta came around, and yeah. She’s one of the smoothest on-fielders, her damage is decent and chonky shield goes brrr. I went with double hydro + Beidou on favge as a flex (crab’s floor is lava+pyro res is annoying af, so I needed both extra damage and extra defensive utiilty) and it went fairly well. She still one of the better 4* carries.
I built c6 lynette with a black sword for the jokes i dont think its a joke anymore 💀.
The ridiculous sponsor that jello turned down? Cool
Fischl's low abyss usage rate is this community's biggest crime. I used Fischl hyperbloom against second half this time and Fischl absolutely shredded Coppelius's shield. I feel like Aggravate teams are also very underrated, my Yae aggravate team absolutely slaps, and Fischl with the new Golden Troupe set feels illegal. Yelan is one of my favorite teammates for Eula now, especially against mobile enemies like Kenki in the current abyss. Many of Eula's other good teammates like Rosaria, Shenhe, or even Bennett are all very circle impact, whereas Yelan doesn't have this problem. Yelan's good personal damage helps smooth out my runs too so I'm not banking everything on Eula's burst critting. With Eula/Raiden/C0 Fav Yelan/C6 Fav Mika I'm also pretty regularly able to get Yelan's burst twice per rotation so both Eula and Raiden can get Yelan's A4 buff.
flip uploading twice a month !? what a time to live
Definitely agree with Yanfei. I've basically used her as a dps since I first got her (and prefer her playstyle over all the other pyro on fielders), and I love the fact she can shield herself and that she works so well with Xingqui + Yelan. She can also use wanderer's troupe, which you can get a good set of over time without even farming artifacts (and I have some amazing pieces of it). But yeah, energy issues....
I love using Fischl in hyperbloom, it makes it so that Kuki burst feels like it does something impactful
Building Fischl with Atk and crit focus gives you a balance between her normals and her E damage that makes her a ton of fun to on-field.
If Nilou didn’t have her restriction she would just powercreep hyperbloom as a whole since you have the perfect mix of AoE and ST speed. She’s kinda already busted at what she does so I’m not sure we’d want her to have zero restrictions.
lisa defense shred + cataylst user makes her such a good support by default. i loaded mine with a load of ER and put her on TTDS, girl does absolute WONDERS as a hypercarry support
I just got Yanfei to lvl 90 yesterday:)) shes my baby, absolute fav character and I’m glad I got her to c3 during her banner. I just started playing 2 days after her banner rerun
C6 Yanfei being equal to c0 shielded Yoimiya is more an indictment on Yoimiya than it is praise on Yanfei tbh
Characters i use the most in abyss are: Rosaria, and i'm saying she's good option for a cryo dps if you don't have Ayaka or Ganyu (like i don't have them, so i use Rosaria, and it works) and Ningguang - because she actually does a lot of dmg but at cost of high and long investment (unfortunately).