
all fun and games until they pull out the government namešŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Itā€™s all giggles until they knock you out with one punchšŸ˜‚


Why Gumball looking at bro so zesty like man


i thought bro was going to give him a smooch


Itā€™s all giggles and shi until they hit you with the ā€œnah Iā€™m getting offā€


It's all fun and games until he starts to dox you in the chat


That transition was smooth af I didnā€™t even notice until the second time I watched


Ez just obletirate him in a game and when hes mad say hue hue hue


Its all fun and games till he pulls up with a ak-47


AYO ok thats normal day for gumball... BUT STILL WTH


Bro's face cleaner than soap


Bro is taking it.


Fr and they threaten you with knife or something like that


Bro my dirty ass mind is like ā€œwtf is this nasty ass sceneā€¦ā€šŸ˜­


as a person who has anger issues, please dont


Itā€™s all shits and giggles until some giggles and shits.


I can't with the frickin edited hands


ā€œPULL YOURSELF TOGETHERā€ ahh situation


I feel so happy that I bring out tiers and laugh for 2 mins
Thank you for this many likes ā¤
