
I can’t wait until everyone hears your voice and knows how talented you are 👏


You should definitely do a full version of this song. Absolutely angelic.


I don't normally post comments. But your voice unbelievably soothing and it's frkin so natural that I cannot resist to express. I hope to hear a full version of this song


1) you kind of look like a mixture of danny zuko and elvis and i’m obsessed
2) you’re so good. you put a lot of emotion into it, and that automatically makes it like 100 times better.








Everyone needs to hear ur voice, elliot..... u r really an amazing singer❤


man ur voice is so angelic


Full version please elliotttt


Everyone needs to hear your voice Elliot!! You are so talented!!


I sang this to my friend (she has heard my sing before) and she was shocked, i heard that adele songs are hard to sing but not really ,she is just a little breathy thats all. You did SOOO GOOOOOODDDD ❤




ur voice is so angelic u deserve the world with a voice like that ❤😭


I can totally see you blowing up and becoming a big name. You have real talent. I love your voice in classic songs, but you sound amazing any way! 

And there’s something about the echo when you film like this rather than with a professional microphone and everything. Truly angel like. Keep it up!


Hey I like your singing but i love the background instrumental music were did you find it. or did you make the instrumental music yourself I would like to know thank you if see this😁


When you look up the word flawless, a recording of this man’s voice is the number one result.


He has the most perfect and smooth voice I have EVER heard like I just watch on repeat for so long I love his voice and he deserves the world🫶🏼


Not autotune just pure angelic voice


My grandma was diagnosed with cancer and when I spent my time with her I watched one of your videos and now both my grandma and I love your voice and channel ❤❤. Last week she told me she listened to your voice during her chemo treatments before she feel asleep. You are such an inspiration and have a lovely voice ❤❤❤ . Thank you for being there for my grandma, but not even knowing it❤.