
🔵Thanks to Our Sponsor: Surf Shark VPN: Go to 👉https://surfshark.deals/5thkind Enter promo code 5thkind for 83% off and 3 extra months free  🔵Matthew LaCroix website https://thestageoftime.com/ 🔵Website  👉https://www.5thkind.tv/


What i truly love and appreciate about Paul Wallis is that he is so kind. He shares his revelations and understanding without bashing other opinions and beliefs. He is so kind regardless of people attacking his beliefs. He is open minded and respectful.  How nice this world would be if peoplecould be more like him


How does this not get more views?  I seriously cannot believe how stunned I am EVERY time I listen to Matt LaCroix. This guy deserve recognition for his research.


Matthew mentioned some great names but let's not forget the one who wrote about all of this almost 60 years ago, who wrote about the connection between religions, the Naztec lines, the incredible megalithic stones of Machu Pichu, the Great Pyramids, the Piri Reis map,... He changed the lives of many who we see today talking about the same. He wrote books in a far more hostile environment for anyone out of the ordinary: Erich Von Däniken


Mathew does a phenomenal job consolidating a wealth of knowledge in a condensed and fluid manner in a concise and deliberate manner. Eye opening! Great presentation.


Thank you Mr. LaCroix for mentioning Armenia, because mainstream seems to not want to mention Armenia anymore.  Ancient Armenia which includes all of eastern Anatolia (modern day eastern Turkey) and the Caucasus region modern day northern Iran and more has been continuously inhabited for millennia.  My ancestors have been there for more than 12000 years.  The Hittites and the Mitanni are two examples of Armenian tribes that inhabited the region in the BCE time period.  The stone henge in what’s left of modern day Armenia was built as an observatory by Armenians and contains the same animal stone carvings that Portasar (gobekli tepe) contains.  Look deeper into Armenia Mr. LaCroix, the diffusion of Indo-European dialects also started out of Armenia. The worlds oldest wine making cave also the worlds oldest leather shoe have all been found in Armenia, it is much much older than what modern history books will have you believe.  Thank you for this video Mr. Wallis.


These are my two favorite ancient detectives. I love how Matt sounds when he speaks something he's extremely excited about. It makes me get a little excited myself. Paul is one of the greatest narrators I've had the joy to listen to and Matt is a great researcher as well is Paul. I'm just glad I had the chance to run across them on YouTube, their books, and their websites. I hope the best for the both of you in life.


This is a wonderful interview. It honors Paul Willis and Mathew LaCroix research. This is the quality of interviewer that allows Matthew to present his information in a respectful manner. And no some king of "dude" that interrupts him all the time , makes fun of everything and expresses himself with vulgarity. Thank you both for your work and professionalism.


I swear I can feel my mind rearranging itself every time I listen to one of these guys ... I love it 😊


Love Mathew's excitement and passion ❤
Thank you Mathew and Paul for this mesmerizing discussion 🙏 
Stay blessed always


a big thank you to Mathew for making your personal epic journey of discovery. Your dedication and perseverance into your belief in finding the Truth in order to enlighten all of us is purely heroic.
Very inspirational. Please keep up your great work and continue to share. Thank you Paul for sharing too.


I’ve been following Matthew Lacroix for several years now, and I truly believe he has a prophetic message. He brings comprehensive knowledge of Sumerian tablets, archaeological sites, and even Edgar Cayce, theosophy and new academic studies. As an historian I can’t but admire his work.


So glad this is coming to light. Things never did make sense during History at school.


Wow, so much incredible information here.  Thank you Matt and Paul for this topic of bringing together the timelines and how the stories of Sumerians connect with the Bible.  Things are started to make much more sense to me, but now I also have tons of new questions 😊


I am so happy that your studies  go as far as to believe that the Sphinx and Pyramids are 38,000 years old. So relieved as I know I was in Eygpt many years ago .  I have told many people that the Pyramids are much much older than the 5000 years we keep hearing about.  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YR WORK. AMAZING TO LISTEN TO. XX


Understanding our origins in our modern time is made that much more difficult due to the lack of our comprehension of time. Matt manages to bring this timeline into a much clearer light by his deductions. Hence enabling us to grasp the monumental scale of it all. Thanks. And thank you too Paul


@MatthewLeCroix, I love your enthusiasm and all the info speeding through your neuros 🧠 can be overwhelming....may I suggest that you slow down just a little and deliver your new findings calmly and take a breath every now and then......🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️
Your urgency is giving me anxiety that I wasn't aware I harbored....😵‍💫
Anyone taking time to seek out this genre will listen for hours,you don't need to rush & keep us enthralled. We are already here and love any and all new and updated discoveries ....
KEEP SEEKING and sharing your knowledge .🙏
Namaste many blessings ❤


This is how we uncover the truth: by approaching discussions with open minds, engaging in conversation, and thoroughly examining all available evidence. We must be willing to leave no stone unturned in our quest for knowledge. I am grateful for the efforts and dedication of these individuals who have contributed to this ongoing journey.


I hold great respect for the work of Matthew LaCroix and Paul Wallis. Paul Wallis's books are truly excellent and have the power to open your eyes to new perspectives. Matthew, I've had the pleasure of watching many of your videos, and I must say they are incredibly engaging. As a presenter, your dedication to sharing a wealth of knowledge is greatly appreciated. However, I'd like to suggest that when you are explaining certain topics, it would be immensely helpful if you could reference your sources more explicitly. Additionally, if the information you're presenting is based on your interpretation, please make that clear. This level of transparency would add to the overall value of your work and ensure your audience fully understands the context. Keep up the excellent work you two and thank you!


I am a great fan, supporter & student of Matthew. I fricking LOVE the way he reaches out and activity engages his “fellow nerds” to vet his research and help him scour the internet and globe for evidence. Because it does take a village to change the world. 
As my uncle used to say, LEAD ON!!!