
Hoyo: creates incredibly unique and interesting kit for a character

Also Hoyo: "Cut his legs off!"


Sethos inflicted Cyno with the CURSE OF THE NILE thus permanently benching him from Zy0x's account


the baguette bird, truly the winner of 4.7


my big conspiracy theory is that the reason hoyo makes 4* kits so cool and not 5 stars is because they want the 5 stars to sell very well, and the average player probably doesnt wanna learn the intricacies of a characters kit, so they dumb down the 5 stars but go wild on the 4 stars with all the ideas they actually want to do. Gaming, Freminet, Chevreuse, and Sethos are all super interesting, more than some 5*s.


I love watching pre releases of characters I have no intention on playing


Sethos is a test character. 
Pierce, Energy Manip, Different States etc etc


I wish his burst infused normals were actually considered normal attack damage so that i can finally put my R12 Rust to use


Im still mad about Freminet, someone cooked so hard with him but bro doesn't have the numbers to back it😭😭


Man, they not allowing to enter aiming mode is SUCH a bummer. I can't think of why to do that, it's a high level thing. Only if it's the excuse of preventing mobike players to charge shot mid ult.


whenever zajef says the character has a cool kit, he never actually plays that character


Pre release a day before patch. Could not have asked for more


Thank you for doing this pre-release! Definitely helped me understand his kit more.


It seems like hyv uses 4* to test different ideas for kits, and then the response if positive is used to make a 5* that does something similar but better.


What about EMC?

Sethos CAs (Shadowpiercing) and Burst Charged NAs (Dusk bolts) are named differenlty. That probably means that, provided you have enough energy, you can do a rotation with both playstyles.

EMC refunds 4 Energy every 3 attacks + the Amulets is about 24. 16 minimum from Sethos E. That's 40 Energy for 2 shots. Before ER. In Quicken, EMC is not disgustingly weak. 15% Electro Shred to maybe ingore VV or use Zhongli.

Apply Dendro. Use Flex or Fischl. EMC E>Q. Sethos EQ. Spam NAs for 8 secs. E again. Spam Empowered CAs 5 secs. Start rotation again.

Maybe I'm missing something but that does sound prettey good (For Sethos. IDK if it is an actually good team.)


Electro users can never be nerfed as long as EM exists.


23:11 for people not aware yet: He will be on banner with Chlorinde/Alhaitham together with Bennet and Thoma.


15:58 Good to know that the slingshot that I maxed our for my copium physical fischl build will actually have good use now πŸ’€


an Anemo shielder with buffing capabilities would go so hard for so many teams


The thumbnail.... Definitely it's interesting


The sad part is that 4* dps are good at c6 but basically you throw 200ish wishes on the first banner or it will take ages until you make the 4* c6. 

The situation is pretty sad but on the other hand it just makes me feel like I don't have to wish just for the sake of having the new character.