ケーちゃん接待ステージかと思いきやケー虐ステージだった😂 いつもありがとう😊
快速集会クリアできました✌ エラ育ててといてよかった~:yougotthis: ありがとうございます!
Thank you for easy to follow guides as usual! :_joy:
DT-8も無事に高速周回できました、ありがとうございます! シナリオも面白かった、ライオス君どうしてセンシティブな内容をとんでもない人に投げかけとるんや
thanks for the guide I was doing the speedy one the at the end of the stage it was Ela who said the completion line, it was perfect timing
ロゴスもゴールデングローもいなかったから雑魚のスタンや丸呑みに苦しめられたけどオペレーター何人か追加して似たような陣形でクリアできました! ケーちゃん自体は強くないから助かった~
the flower keeps eating my casters.
Darkeobe is basically what happens when ceobe let her gluttony get the better of her. Well, only the finest blade can calm her rage 🔪 + Dont be fooled by the stage not having the blue box. Failure to feed Ceobe (meal not full + ceobe hp remain when she reach the pot) will result in lp punishment. + Main way of beating her is to feed Ceobe by filling the pot full according to her requirement. do this 3 times and u'll win - anticipate the location of her ingredients to develop appropriate strat. + However, most of u will choose to beat her head on since knocking her down means she'll eat anything from the pot, and switch to next phase. To do that, fill the pot half to reduce her dmg reduction, then start ur dpses skills to bring her down. Retreat ur units when Ceobe reach the pot while in iframe. + In phase 2, use the decoy unit to bait her roar, then use best tank to stall her. U have few seconds to kill her be4 she roars for 2nd time. Once she returns in the 3rd phase, use decoy to bait her flame breath, or tank that attack head on without dying. + For all phase, try to separate Ceobe from trash mobs, and kill her as soon as she goes berserk. Killing everything that is not Ceobe's ingredients result in her entering Berserk, u dont want this to happen. + Ceobe is afraid of true and necrosis dmg.
今回も参考になりました。 ありがとうございました。 初見の時私はてっきり最速は落とし穴っぽい所に落とすんかな?って妄想してました😂
Not sure the mechanic of this stage but 2 out of about 10 afk runs are failed. Btw thank you for amazing guide🎉