pulled chiori, tried rolling for her weapon and got peak patrol instead, now im watching this video
Its probably bennys best support weapon now, theres not much difference in the attack buff because of diminishing returns but the extra element bonus more than makes up for it even if he doesn't get the whole buff. Its also fantastic on furina if you can make up for the energy
Albedo with patrol and petra
You can give it to Qiqi, She has a high base def scaling. It's very cope but Qiqi is bad anyway so might aswell be funny
I put this weapon on Lynette, i get 22% of the 25% passive bonus, but that combined with her natural AtK% buff and VV feels more useful than before. I have to mention in Bennet, when you play him in the same team with Furina or Yelan i think is the best weapon choice.
I'm a little disappointed you didn't do a proper damage comparison between Peak Patrol Benny and regular Benny. It'd be nice to see if the extra damage bonus actually made up for the loss of attack or not. Anyway, I feel like it'll be useful for any support sword characters. Healers like Jean and Qiqi need a lot of energy so they're usually better with energy weapons, but with decent subs it can work. Shielders such as Kirara or Layla, however, whose main utility lie in their skill while their burst is just negligible extra damage? Can't really go wrong here, especially considering how there still are no good F2P HP swords.
I havent played genshin in forever but ur videos make me wanna play again so i downloaded it
Good for: -Xilonen -Albedo -Chiori -Jean c2+ (Triple Anemo) -Bennet (specific comps)
ngl this weapon banner is a rlly good pull for albedo mains. both weapons would be amazing on him. chiori too ig but shhh we talking about albedo here. poor guy went most of his existence without a good weapon (that wasn’t limited to like 5 players) and got powercrept the moment he received a new bis. let’s give him this. if you main albedo pull weapon bc pog
c6 benny possibly giving still a good amount of atk and then adding a up to 40% total pyro dmg bonus for pyro characters sounds funni
In mono geo with gorou you can build more crit on chiori so that might be something to think about and its one of the few ways to improve mono geo dmg
Is it just me or does Chiori look a bit goofy at 9:13
There's a reason why Xilonen can achieve the 3.2k DEF more easily. Check her Ascension stat bonus, then check Chiori's. Chiori's kit makes her a sub-DPS, not a support. She can use it, it's not her BiS. Better to stick with Uraku as it increases her personal damage more than PPS. Please note depending on who uses PPS, the bonus elemental damage from the weapon skill gets diluted. If you can't hit 3.2k DEF to maximize the bonus, better not use it on anyone else other than Xilonen.
Albedo isn't even a thought...
I tested these on my acc and at c6 xilonen does basically exactly the same damage as a dps which means patrol song is better because it also offers the team more damage so stuff like furina puppets will contribute better to dps etc
c2 furina can be insane with it, mine has abt 25k without any hp% outside of ult and she gets to abt 50k in ult so her hp mainstats can be replaced with def altho itll lower her personal dmg and u ofc need enough er
It is unironically a great furina support sword, her personal dmg suffers but if you’re going for a pure support furina then it’s not horrible
yup. lots of characters can use it. which is why i have two copies. you have to remember - unlike bennet's buff, peak patrol buffs furina, yelan, yae, all the off-field damage goodness even if they don't scale with atk. it is definitely an upgrade for him over mystsplitter or something like that.
Okay I'm very interested in building support Chiori with this weapon