Imagine you’re a monster and you hear “CHAT I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A 1X1 LEGO BRICK!!!”
19:18 I love how case just throws the lamp at the doll and laughs and then the doll stands back up and case gets scared😂
Case is one of the nicest people out there he always cracks a smile
22:12 The slow buildup of the Monsters sounds getting closer and closer with Caseohs face going blank with fear and anticipation is genuinely like the kind of stuff you see in horror movies.
Imagine being the monster and just hearing some random dude talking to himself and referring to himself as “chat”
Case wishes he was trapped in the lunchroom
Can we all just take a fine moment and look at how majestic casoh is. I'm jealous of the Mcdonalds employee's that gets to see him every 10 minutes
Bro nothing scares me more than weeping angel type monsters, especially ones you can hear moving around
Favorite watch easy. Favorite part of every night cracking a cold one packing an earthy one and laughing my ass off, keep up the great content man you make this life a little more enjoyable!!
Loving these horror games case
A few months ago, I didn’t even know who Case was, and now I watch him all the time. You have given me a source of wholesome entertainment. Thanks. Also, in truth you are not built like a Ferris wheel or a 1x1 Lego piece, you actually remind me of the B2 Super battle droids.
42:51 just Caseoh’s reaction after speaking. I can’t 😂😂
just gotta say i appreciate you sm case, you and your streams/videos always make my day sm better and you always help me through the darkest times. much love man fr🩷🩷🩷
When he pushed her down the second time and took off she got up so fast 😭😭
CASEE CONGRATS ON 3MIL!!! I still remember when you were first recognised and now all of youtube knows about you
Congrats on 3 mil Case, you have no idea how proud we all are and thank you for being here for us.❤❤
15:38 not him using his fart sound machine again 😂😂😂
"This is vandalism we shouldn't be doing this" 4:37 one second later.