Alvaro Pizzaro: You'll get destroyed! Coby: Imma be honest with ya...
Koby’s Honesty Impact hits differently knowing Garp believed in him from the start. Their bond is a reminder that true strength comes from those who lift us up
Luffy in the future bein’ like: “You wanna catch me!? Bring Koby!”
1:28 That laugh is filled with pride. Koby made Garp proud.
Garp was able to do with Koby what he failed to do with Luffy, Ace, and Sabo. He made him his true successor.
in the one piece world this moment was like 3 years in the making.....for the fans this was more than 25 years coming. What a moment
Honest opinion: The lack of music after Koby's massive feat gives this scene a lot more emotional impact
Garps laughing is what made this for me. He passed the torch to Koby, and there's nothing anyone can do about it
This is why i love one piece. The character development is just insane. I never thought kolby would be at that level.
Koby punched so hard that One Piece Anime has to take 6 Month Break to Recover.
If Luffy and Zoro see this, they would be super proud to see how far Koby has come! Garp has taught him everything he knows.
You gotta love garp laughing seeing watching his student with pride knowing the torch has been passed
Luffy growth is cool and all but never forget : Koby started the Adventure at Level -01.
god i love that his version of gravity impact is called honesty cause thematically coby is the purest form of justice the navy strives for
just rewatched episode 1 and seen how far koby has come
Oda: I didn't confirmed yet that Koby has Conqueror's Haki: Toei, summoning red lightning: We did.
Alvida somewhere in the world: ...Why do I feel like I need to turn my life around before and live honestly all of a sudden?
I love how Garp essentially gaslights Koby into believing he can do this, then he is genuinely surprised when he actually does it lol.
Koby’s really come a long way from being the wimpy little servant boy we met in episode 1 to a strong Navy hero. Luffy would be very proud to see him now.