
I love how this song has a beautiful way of saying “I’ll always love you...thank you for time we had together, but you HAVE to leave now...” 😢 It hurts so bad but there comes the time when you realize someone you love is no good for you and you MUST give them up..


One of those songs that you hear and immediately have a name pop in your head. A name of someone that you’re not with anymore. Someone you still love all this time later.


2025 and still a song I stop life, reground myself, and thank the lord for another day. This song got me through some of the darkest times in my life. Keep on keeping on brother!


This is how you know someone is a talented artist. No smoke show, no back up guitars or voices, just him, his guitar, and some clean clear vocals.


Sometimes we give too much of ourselves to ppl who don't see our worth.Some ppl just want to take and not give in return.This song defines it.💯🙏🏼


Sometimes the one you want the most, is the one your best without


This song hits different when you've lived through it 💯


The purity of this song when it is stripped down legitimately makes it one of the best I’ve ever heard. The lyrics, the empty room acoustics, the guitar and his voice... I’m convinced that it is impossible for it to be done any better.


I love his voice, his southern drawl, and the lyrics… the way he sings “I’m so sick and triiiiiired” at 1:40. So good.


I love when he says “death ain’t worth weight of your love no more.” That’s exactly how it feels right when you get over a girl who destroyed your heart after you fought for her, stood up for her, and gave everything for her.


This guys voice is perfect. Definitely makes you feel something


Couldn't give me the satisfaction of forgetting. Man, what a line.


The way his voice transforms the emotion in this song 😭😭😭😭 “Cause death isn’t worth the weight of your love no more”


This song has got me through the darkest of my days. He left me after 4 years but I’m healing through your music. I’m so much stronger now, thank you! xoxo


Alcoholic husband in jail, we have 3 beautiful children. I am doing everything I can to keep it all together. Regardless of what I am going through now and what I’ve gone through in the past, God still blesses me & my children. Stay strong ladies.


Life is full of choices , and that choice to let go will be that door to a new beginning... love this song .


I’ve been giving up worldly things and sins. I’ve had this song on repeat for like a week. Absolutely awesome song


This guy has a voice that grips your soul. It’s the same kind of voice for me like Fray, Three Doors Down, and Linkin Park. Hope he has more of these coming


RESPECT when an artist plays acoustic guitar and sings, unadorned by any other instruments or voices. True test of talent. Well done.


I lost my little brother to fentanyl in 2020. It's been hard these past years. He was only 18.
Rest easy lil brother today is your birthday 
Happy birthday I miss you and will always love you. Till we meet again 
Lil david❤