
That Deadpool is insane 🤯


I love your videos


Tried whatnot…was ghosted by the seller lost the 15 credit through that but was glad that whatnot refunded me.


My Son Otis says Hello From Ireland. He is a big fan 😊


They didn’t invert the Deadpool belt buckle 😭😭😭


Awesome job Tristin drop a like for you on podcasts


W vid❤


2:31 I actually need Gran Torino for my My Hero Pop collection. Such a cool one!!


Awesome hit. Lydia is awesome


10:59 how dare you🤣


Yay! Good job! 🎉👏🏻I was really hoping you’d get the Scooby Doo though. I like the Rose Star Wars one.


The deadpool looks like if milles morals was deadpool


I dare u to find the Rare Iron, man. i love you 3000 figure vinyl glow in the dark Px  preview exclusive


These were some great mystery box finds


They could totally reuse the Action Figure mold for Hercules' Bitty Pop should he get one


Hey can you do more bitty pop videos


Yo congrats 🎉


Tristan was an awesome pull congratulations on the Deadpool It would’ve been awesome if you would’ve got the Scooby Doo, but at least you came out with a pop that you didn’t have in your collection.