9:15 "she starts being actually pretty decent" - > song changes to Never Gonna Give You Up
damn chronicled banner being 3 weeks is a crime, many thoughts its gonna be 1 patch banner
I'm expecting a few Noelle mains to be born this banner.
I bet the next time itto comes back in a banner it's going to be in the new 6 character banner
its chiover
I thought the primary benefit of the Chronicle Wish was being able to selectively go after 5-Star weapons that no longer appear on any banners and not having to deal with the 1 out 3 bullshit of the regular weapon banner.
Yun Jin just doesn't feel good to use. She really needed multiple hits on her skill to make fav feel good. Her ER requirements are still really high for a solo geo to slot her into multiple teams. I was excited to get her c6 finally for about 5 days until I stopped using her again.
most skippable banner in quite some time for me, FeelsGoodMan
At least the people who wanna play on-field Chiori get to see bigger numbers with Yunjin. Also, seeing how well C6 Dori can do in Furina teams is kinda funny. Sucks that the Chronicled Wish Banner is only 21 days but honestly not that surprised. Curious as to what the next one with have after *checks dev notes* "time to time" passes. Keqing rerun real? Good luck to everyone pulling, and good Copium to all "Big Hu Tao/Small Hu Tao" waiters. o7
Truly a banner of all time
Yun Jin will be good once we get a character that deals Normal ATK damage while off-field. Currently, you're wasting 90-100 stacks of her Burst everytime you use it since no one can make use of those stacks outside of Co-op. Will we ever get that kind of character? Probably... it's not completely out of the question since we do technically have an off-field Normal ATK in the game. It's Childe's Riptide (death & bow CA only).
I'm too early... now I can't scroll comments endlessly while watching 😢
As someone who plays C6 thundering fury Dori in co-op, would recommend.
I saved up for more that a half a year for this. Goodluck to me
I’ve been waiting for itto so this is a win for me
C6 Dori will be mine
thank you for the breakdown Mr Zajef
Gorou's burst can be used to gain energy with 4p Exile, which CAN help with the collective team's energy problems, but not erase them.
C6 Dori with Portable Power Saw is objectively hilarious