Toys For Tots Target Christmas Present Toy Hunt Shopping Spree Fun Kids Video by Kinder Playtime | Today on Kinder Playtime we are participating in our favorite toy hunt of the year - It's time for our Toys for Tots Shopping Spree! We hope you enjoy our fun kids video as go on a toy shopping spree for Christmas! Toys R Us used to be our favorite place to shop for Christmas Toys, but Target has now taken over since they went out of business. We hope everyone has a blessed and wonderful Christmas season and will remember the true meaning of Christmas. Kinder Playtime is proud to present our Toys for Tots Target Shopping Spree with Isaac!
Make a Difference this Holiday Season, #LightTheWorld
Previous Christmas Toy Hunts for Toys for Tots
Christmas Shopping Spree Surprise Toys for Tots Toy Hunt Presents #LightTheWorld Kinder Playtime
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Toys R Us CHRISTMAS | TOY HUNT for Kids | Toys For Tots | #LIGHTtheWORLD | Vlogmas Kinder Playtime
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Toys R Us CHRISTMAS TOY HUNT | Toys For Tots | Kinder Playtime
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