China's Mega-embassy Plan Alarms Residents
China plans to build a mega embassy on the former site of the Royal Mint Court in London. After the Labour government announced its intervention in the approval process, the local council was sidelined, and residents have become increasingly anxious, fearing for their privacy and security.
Green Bean Media interviewed Mark Nygate, a resident living in an estate near the Royal Mint Court, separated from the embassy staff quarters by just a fence. While worried about privacy concerns, he is also anxious that everyday activities — such as taking photographs, or hanging a bird feeder on a tree — could be misinterpreted by Chinese authorities as suspicious or even espionage-related. He also expressed gratitude to Hong Kongers for donating funds to support residents in hiring legal representation.
Peter Golds, a councillor from the Tower Hamlets district where the mega embassy is planned, believes that if the Labour government approves the project, it will likely face a judicial review challenge. He also noted that the proposed embassy site was once a plague pit with significant historical value. Meanwhile, the Muslim community is aware about the Xinjiang issue, and the city council is considering naming surrounding roads "Uyghur Place" and "Hong Kong Road".
《綠豆》訪問了居於皇家鑄幣廠附近屋苑,與大使館員工宿舍只有一圍欄之隔的居民 Mark Nygate,他擔心私隱受侵犯之餘,更憂慮未來即使是在花園剪草、拍照,或掛餵鳥器在樹上,都可能惹中方懷疑,或被誤會從事間諜活動。他又感謝香港人捐款支持居民請律師。
超級大使館選址所在的塔村地區議會,議員 Peter Golds 就相信一旦工黨政府批准中方建超級大使館,勢將面對司法覆核挑戰。他又指超級大使館選址曾是亂葬崗,極有歴史價值,而塔村的穆斯林社群也關注新疆問題,市議會正蘊釀將外圍路段定名「維吾爾廣場」、「香港路」。
Host: Steve Vines
Peters Golds, Tower Hamlets Councillor
Mark Nygate, Treasurer of Royal Mint Court Residents Association
#中國超級大使館 #倫敦 #megaembassy #香港人 #marknygate #petergolds #綠豆 #greenbeanmedia
Video Chapter:
00:00 Host Steve's Opening Remarks
01:36 Peter Golds, Tower Hamlets Councillor
06:48 Mark Nygate, Treasurer of Royal Mint Court Residents Association
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