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📖Get a Star Wars book of your choice completely FREE with an Audible trial while also supporting the channel: www.audibletrial.com/EaoYqX
👴🏻Want to support the streams? Join The Senate or GIFT memberships!: youtube.com/channel/UCzH3sYjz7qi6o1HFPRD0HCQ/join (You can gift senate memberships on desktop!)
⚠️Use creator-code 'BFUPDATES' on any Fortnite & Epic Games purchases to support the channel!
Submit top 5 plays clips here: bit.ly/BFUSubmissions
Join The Senate discord here: discord.gg/bfupdates
🔔The top donator each month gets to pick the donation sound for the next month.
📦Buy anything through Amazon? Feel free to click my link before making any purchases to support the channel: amzn.to/3Bn4c5z
⌨️ My full setup 🎙️(computers, microphones etc): bit.ly/BFUSetup - Any purchases done on Amazon within 24h of clicking a link in this document supports the channel.
📖 Signup to Audible for a free 30 day trial and get one FREE book: www.audibletrial.com/P04m0q (All sign-ups supports the channel)
⚠️ PSA regarding tip cuts - YT takes roughly 35-55% of Super Chats and Paypal only 5-10% from Streamlabs donations so Streamlabs benefits the channel more. :)
🚂Just a quick note that the Donation Train only works for Streamlabs donations (not super chats)
☠️ Streamboss damage:
15 damage per 1$ (Streamlabs)
10 damage per 1$ (Super Chat)
200 damage per new Senator
Twitter: bit.ly/BFUTwitter
Facebook: bit.ly/BFUFacebook
Instagram: bit.ly/BFUInsta
Second Channel: bit.ly/ElliotUnleashed
Music in the stream from Epidemic Sounds
All Star Wars remixes by Isaac: / @theisaac2187
outro song: War of Galaxies - Johan Johansson
Streamboss song: Meco - Star Wars Theme Song (disco Version)
Senate scene: Emperors theme by Lucas King
Thumbnail art from: www.nexusmods.com/starwarsbattlefront22017/mods/46…