You’re listening to “Changing Careers in Classical Music” 🎙️🌟 A clip from Classeek 15’ with @nadinebenjaminsoprano, an operatic soprano.
Career changes are hard to navigate, but how do you even start when the field you want to get into is classical music? 🤔 Here's a quick look at Nadine’s story as she tried to find her footing after leaving the world of corporate finance:
“I had done a short stint of a music class where I had sang a bit of music theatre and that had Mary King in it. So she – Mary King – was one of the audition panels. And I said, "Oh, Mary's on that, I'm gonna see if I can contact Mary! I can see if I can contact her." And I got no answer. So I just said, you know what? I've got 3 months. I'm gonna spend as many days ringing to see if they'll give me an audition as possible. And they said after the 7th or the 8th day, they said, yes, come in on an audition. And I got one solo – I got chorus and one solo line. From there, I ended up at Opera de Lyon and got seven solo lines and chorus. And then I thought, I'm getting solo lines, I must be a soloist!”
🔊 Want to hear more? Nadine’s episode and FOUR more drop tomorrow. Head over to wherever you get your podcasts (Spotify, Apple, Google, or on and subscribe to Classeek 15’ to get notified when new episodes are out. Click the link in our bio