This weekend was my little boy's birthday. I decided to shoot the main segments of the day in the high-speed drive on my Fujifilm X100F with the intention of making something a little fun for him and the family to enjoy afterwards.
I think the Fujifilm X100F is such a great camera for personal shooting. It's amazingly versatile too.
Even though the X100F doesn't use a UHS-II Card System, it's perfectly capable of keeping up with these fast bursts.
Either my Fujifilm X100F or my X70 comes with me absolutely everywhere and whether I'm shooting professionally for my documentary work, or just making memories of my own life - those cameras are always doing a great job for me.
These images are unedited to the extent that I used some grading in Premiere pro - but you'll see some dodgy exposures and some balance shifts in the sequence if you look for it.
There is no great art in this, but lots of happy memories.
But for me, it's a fun memory of a lovely day with my family ~ and that's what photography is about for me.
Music: The Percussion by Alec Koff (used under licence)
PS: 10% Discount on Zenfolio Signups: #kevinmullins