Source: darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Slave_Knight_Gael
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What's going on Initiate, Bird here and in this video we are going over one of my favorite characters in the entire Dark Souls series, Slave Knight Gael.
Gael was once a slave knight, a category of knights who, as they were Undead, were used as fodder in the bleakest of battles and even if they grew decrepit, their skin charred black, their bones twisted and they went mad were never relived from duty, their stature signified by their vibrant red hoods. At one point he managed to free himself from his life of bloody battles and ended up in the Painted World of Ariandel. He eventually met the Painter, who possessed such great knowledge about the First Flame and the Dark Soul that she is able to use them to paint a world, and acted as a parental figure for her, such that she calls him "Uncle Gael".
At a certain point Sister Friede, an Unkindled who tried to link the First Flame but failed and was reduced to ashes, entered the painted world and discovered a people that she wished to protect, taking on the form that its inhabitants yearned for and coming to consider that place as her new home. However, Friede opposed their wish, preferring a slow death in the rot to the changing of the Flame, and convinced Ariandel to hold back the Flame with his blood, while the Corvian Knights infatued with her "protected" the painting and even killed their own brethren who opposed her.
When the Painter was imprisoned in the library of the corvian village, Gael escaped from the painting, taking with him a rotten scrap of it and began looking for an Unkindled. In fact, in the painted world there was a prophecy telling that when the Ashes would become two, their Flame would return to burn the rot away, and so he needed to find an Ashen One that could kindle it and show it to her lady. After a long unsuccessful search, Gael would find himself in the Cleansing Chapel where he remained praying to Caitha, mother of the forlorns, so that his wish could be granted by the goddess. Gael finally encountered the Ashen One during his journey through Lothric and managed to convince them to touch the scrap of painting, sending them to the Painted World of Ariandel through his piece of the painting.
Gael would thus help the Ashen One in his battle against Sister Friede and Father Ariandel, killing them and reigniting the Flame they were keeping contained, finally allowing his lady to see it. The Painter would have resumed painting a new world in the cathedral, like she promised to Gael, but for the cold and gentle place that she had in mind to create, she also needed a special pigment: the Dark Soul, the primordial Lord Soul discovered by the Furtive Pygmy and used to create humankind.
His search continued until the end of the world itself, when it was now reduced to an expanse of dust, ash and rubble, but the knight was finally successful, reaching the Ringed City where the Dark Soul was contained. On the ruins of the city he found the Pygmy Kings, holders of the Dark Soul inherited from the Primordial Pygmy, however, their blood had dried long ago over their ages of inaction, therefore making it useless for the painting of his Lady. Determined to complete his mission, Gael slaughtered the Pygmies with his sword before eating and drinking the dried Dark Souls from their bodies, in a desperate attempt to take it for himself and make it strong enough to be useful again. However it would prove too powerful for him, and when the Ashen One finally reunites with Gael at the end of time, he has been fully consumed both physically and mentally by the Dark Soul and demands their portion of it, attacking them in a rage when they refuse. He is finally struck down, allowing the Ashen One to obtain his blood filled with the Dark Soul to use as a pigment for his Lady, thus fulfilling his final duty in death.
The Dark Souls lore is rich so I hope find this interesting and learn something new about the Dark Souls world! AD Victoriam🖤
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