I have decided to make my own Camera Obscura. But I wanted it to be easy so you can also make one to. And so we are simply going to use a Pringles Can. DIY PHOTO CRAFT: Camera Obscura steps:
Step 1:
Purchase a Pringles can. After securing a can of Pringles either from a nearby shop or your pantry, you'll need to empty it of its contents.
The things we do for science!! And then wipe it clean and keep the lid.
Draw a line around the tube, about 6cm or 2½" up from the base. Using a craft knife, or in my case, a bread knife, cut through the tube so that you're left with two pieces. The shorter section will be from the bottom of the can, and the longer section from the top.
Step 2. Make a screen
You need to make a screen onto which your image will be projected inside the can. The cheapest and most readily available means to make one is from tracing paper. I dont have tracing paper and am using baking paper.
Place the lid of the Pringles can on a sheet on the baking paper, draw around it, and then cut it out. Secure the baking paper on to the top of the tube using the lid.
Step 3. Put the can back together
Rather than reconstruct the can with the two cut ends meeting again, you want the cut end from the bottom section of the can meeting the lidded, tracing-papered end from the upper section. Secure them in place using gaffer tape or electrical tape. No light should be able to pass through the join.
Step 4. Pierce a hole
In order for the light to pass into the can and create an image, pierce a hole using a drawing pin in the base of the can.
Step 5. Finish off your Pringles Can Obscura
If you want to block even more light from getting in wrap some alfoil around the outside of the can. At least then if you don't get a clear optical experience you can place it on your head and you might be able to contact aliens. Just joking! Please do not try and contact aliens!
Step 6. Head out into the light
The brighter the day, the better the image you'll be able to render on your screen. Just remember that everything will appear upside down. And then it will be a case of moving nearer and farther away from your subject to get it in focus.
It's a great tool to remind you just how simple the principles of photography are, and to get you back in touch with moving subjects into and out of focus.
#cameraobscura #diy #photography #diycraft