Did you know how easy it is to propagate plants using hardwood cuttings? This is a great way to make more plants and be able to garden on a budget!
Learn what hardwood cuttings are, when you should take them, why you should propagate plants using this method, plants that you shouldn't take cuttings from, and finally plants that you should take cuttings from.
The plants discussed in this video are Abelia, American Beautyberry, American Sycamore, Apple, Apricot, Azalea, Blueberry, Bottlebrush, Boxwood, Butterfly Bush (Buddleia), Common Jasmine, Camellia, Currant, Deutzia, Dogwood, Eastern Cottonwood, Elderberry, Fig, Forsythia, Gooseberry, Grape, Hardy Kiwi, Holly, Honey Locust, Honeysuckle, Hydrangea, Mock Orange, Mulberry, Ninebark, Peach, Pear, Plum, Poplars, Privet (Ligustrum), Pussy Willow, Quaking Aspen, Rhododendron, Rose (Shrub or Old Fashion Heirlooms), Rose of Sharon, Sand cherry, Snowberry, Spirea, Strawberry Bush, Trumpet Vine, Viburnum, Virginia Creeper, Weigela, Willow, Wisteria.
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#plantpropagation #plantnursery #homegarden #propagation #plantcuttings