Frequent Flow State: a meditation to make effortless magic your new norm
The Mental Level
Frequent Flow State: a meditation to make effortless magic your new norm
They said it couldn’t be done 🥲 #shorts #focus #awareness #mindfulness #flowstate #presence #calm
The Mental Level
They said it couldn’t be done 🥲 #shorts #focus #awareness #mindfulness #flowstate #presence #calm
The biggest factor to level up your meditation practice & become super present
The Mental Level
The biggest factor to level up your meditation practice & become super present
how to be chill in a world that demands fast. 🥶 #shorts #sports #mindfulness #focus #awareness #zen
The Mental Level
how to be chill in a world that demands fast. 🥶 #shorts #sports #mindfulness #focus #awareness #zen
how to be a slow chill person in a world that demands fast (the 2 secrets).
The Mental Level
how to be a slow chill person in a world that demands fast (the 2 secrets).
Don't Suppress Your Love: a Meditation To Unleash Your Open Heart Again
The Mental Level
Don't Suppress Your Love: a Meditation To Unleash Your Open Heart Again
You say you can't clear your mind. I beg to differ.
The Mental Level
You say you can't clear your mind. I beg to differ.
3 Steps to Total Unbothered Freedom (GUIDED so you'll FEEL IT)
The Mental Level
3 Steps to Total Unbothered Freedom (GUIDED so you'll FEEL IT)
You feel disconnected because there's too much movement in your life
The Mental Level
You feel disconnected because there's too much movement in your life
The key to the next level of presence and focus. 🔑 #shorts #focus #meditation #mindfulness #zen
The Mental Level
The key to the next level of presence and focus. 🔑 #shorts #focus #meditation #mindfulness #zen
15 Years of Meditating 1 Hour a Day: here's the best method I found.
The Mental Level
15 Years of Meditating 1 Hour a Day: here's the best method I found.
The finger you scroll with usually buzzes the strongest 🐝 #shorts #focus #adhd #relax #mindfulness
The Mental Level
The finger you scroll with usually buzzes the strongest 🐝 #shorts #focus #adhd #relax #mindfulness
HOW to Stop Taking Things Personal & Wasting Energy Proving Others Wrong
The Mental Level
HOW to Stop Taking Things Personal & Wasting Energy Proving Others Wrong
The ADHD Focus Hack No One Taught You
The Mental Level
The ADHD Focus Hack No One Taught You
Your Favourite Meditation: experience the perfect day in vivid realism
The Mental Level
Your Favourite Meditation: experience the perfect day in vivid realism
It’s not this easy… is it? 😭 #shorts #awareness #focus #mindfulness #overthinking #anxiety #relax
The Mental Level
It’s not this easy… is it? 😭 #shorts #awareness #focus #mindfulness #overthinking #anxiety #relax
7 Mindblowing Life-Changers from "No Bad Parts" (IFS)
The Mental Level
7 Mindblowing Life-Changers from "No Bad Parts" (IFS)
The feeling is incredible. 🌊 #shorts #flowstate #anxiety #calm #mentalhealth #relax #mindfulness
The Mental Level
The feeling is incredible. 🌊 #shorts #flowstate #anxiety #calm #mentalhealth #relax #mindfulness
Effortless Daily Habits Meditation (finally do the thing consistently)
The Mental Level
Effortless Daily Habits Meditation (finally do the thing consistently)
Are you watching closely? 🎩 #shorts #focus #mindfulness #meditation #overthinking #mentalhealth
The Mental Level
Are you watching closely? 🎩 #shorts #focus #mindfulness #meditation #overthinking #mentalhealth
When it clicks… 🤯 #shorts #lettinggo #books #awareness #mindfulness #emotions #calm #anxiety #relax
The Mental Level
When it clicks… 🤯 #shorts #lettinggo #books #awareness #mindfulness #emotions #calm #anxiety #relax
The secret to presence no one talks about.  #shorts #focus #mindfulness #meditation #flowstate
The Mental Level
The secret to presence no one talks about. #shorts #focus #mindfulness #meditation #flowstate
Why does this work every time 😂 #shorts #focus #mentalhealth #awareness #meditation #eckharttolle
The Mental Level
Why does this work every time 😂 #shorts #focus #mentalhealth #awareness #meditation #eckharttolle
Once you see the other way, everything changes 🔥🤓 #shorts #focus #awareness #stress #relax #zen
The Mental Level
Once you see the other way, everything changes 🔥🤓 #shorts #focus #awareness #stress #relax #zen
A Parts Work (IFS) Meditation to Reveal Your Higher Self Effortlessly
The Mental Level
A Parts Work (IFS) Meditation to Reveal Your Higher Self Effortlessly
3 Reasons Why Being Rich, Famous & Successful Actually Sucks
The Mental Level
3 Reasons Why Being Rich, Famous & Successful Actually Sucks
Finally *experience* the core of all spiritual teaching in 3 minutes
The Mental Level
Finally *experience* the core of all spiritual teaching in 3 minutes
People don’t like free stuff I guess 😭 #shorts #insomnia #sleep #yoganidra #sleepmeditation
The Mental Level
People don’t like free stuff I guess 😭 #shorts #insomnia #sleep #yoganidra #sleepmeditation
check the description of any of my main videos to get it 🙏🏼 #shorts #adhd #focus #neurodivergent
The Mental Level
check the description of any of my main videos to get it 🙏🏼 #shorts #adhd #focus #neurodivergent
Finally end your judgey thoughts about others
The Mental Level
Finally end your judgey thoughts about others
A Path Out of Depression You Probably Haven't Heard
The Mental Level
A Path Out of Depression You Probably Haven't Heard
Bittersweet Longing Meditation: Reconnect with the Source of Love & Joy
The Mental Level
Bittersweet Longing Meditation: Reconnect with the Source of Love & Joy
should you burn with desire for what you want... or surrender all desire?
The Mental Level
should you burn with desire for what you want... or surrender all desire?
Massive whoa when you feel it 😭 #shorts #focus #happiness #mindfulness #meditation #awareness #zen
The Mental Level
Massive whoa when you feel it 😭 #shorts #focus #happiness #mindfulness #meditation #awareness #zen
New Year, Old You: a Meditation for Profound Self Acceptance
The Mental Level
New Year, Old You: a Meditation for Profound Self Acceptance
It’s 100% doable with an actual plan 👀 #shorts #focus #awareness #mindfulness #addiction #flowstate
The Mental Level
It’s 100% doable with an actual plan 👀 #shorts #focus #awareness #mindfulness #addiction #flowstate
Make your dreams come true 😭 #shortd #awareness #mindfulness #relax #spiritual #meditation
The Mental Level
Make your dreams come true 😭 #shortd #awareness #mindfulness #relax #spiritual #meditation
Wound-Up Wind-Down Sleep Meditation: go from energized to deep sleep
The Mental Level
Wound-Up Wind-Down Sleep Meditation: go from energized to deep sleep
A no-BS guide to finding your purpose in 90 seconds
The Mental Level
A no-BS guide to finding your purpose in 90 seconds
The Path: a Guided IFS Parts Work Exercise for Embodied Aliveness
The Mental Level
The Path: a Guided IFS Parts Work Exercise for Embodied Aliveness
Proof you can feel anything you want with no external stimulation
The Mental Level
Proof you can feel anything you want with no external stimulation
How to make every moment of your life feel epic
The Mental Level
How to make every moment of your life feel epic
How to use your nostalgia to re-invigorate the present
The Mental Level
How to use your nostalgia to re-invigorate the present
The Parts Work Meditation from "No Bad Parts" (IFS)
The Mental Level
The Parts Work Meditation from "No Bad Parts" (IFS)
Don’t talk about it. Just do it 🔥 #shorts #procrastination #energy #awareness
The Mental Level
Don’t talk about it. Just do it 🔥 #shorts #procrastination #energy #awareness
Take 3 minutes and 100% of your stress will be gone
The Mental Level
Take 3 minutes and 100% of your stress will be gone
Middle of the Night Sleep Meditation: fall back to deep rest with ease
The Mental Level
Middle of the Night Sleep Meditation: fall back to deep rest with ease
You don't have to be stressed to get things done
The Mental Level
You don't have to be stressed to get things done
How to enter a meditation state without trying in 60 seconds
The Mental Level
How to enter a meditation state without trying in 60 seconds
There's so many tools. What works?
The Mental Level
There's so many tools. What works?
A spontaneous meditation to feel inconceivably free in 5 mins
The Mental Level
A spontaneous meditation to feel inconceivably free in 5 mins
5 minutes to learn a technique that lets you feel 1% better every day
The Mental Level
5 minutes to learn a technique that lets you feel 1% better every day
How I Got Into, and Out Of, Chronic Pain
The Mental Level
How I Got Into, and Out Of, Chronic Pain
Put this on while you sleep or meditate and let the abundance flow in
The Mental Level
Put this on while you sleep or meditate and let the abundance flow in
Meditation but make it effortless
The Mental Level
Meditation but make it effortless
Your habits don't stick because you give up on them too quickly
The Mental Level
Your habits don't stick because you give up on them too quickly
You're in a slump because you think you're in a slump
The Mental Level
You're in a slump because you think you're in a slump
Follow this equation and find inner peace every time
The Mental Level
Follow this equation and find inner peace every time
Mental Workout to Become Relaxed & Focused in 5 Mins, Every Time
The Mental Level
Mental Workout to Become Relaxed & Focused in 5 Mins, Every Time
Frozen in fear about choices? Use this to take action in 1 minute
The Mental Level
Frozen in fear about choices? Use this to take action in 1 minute
Freeze time and enter the zone with this jedi mind trick
The Mental Level
Freeze time and enter the zone with this jedi mind trick
You say you can't meditate. Here's your solution
The Mental Level
You say you can't meditate. Here's your solution
Let’s keep it simple 🔥 #shorts #motivation #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #fitness #awareness
The Mental Level
Let’s keep it simple 🔥 #shorts #motivation #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #fitness #awareness
Use your ADHD to your advantage with this focus technique
The Mental Level
Use your ADHD to your advantage with this focus technique
Can you focus on multiple things at once? Put yourself to the test
The Mental Level
Can you focus on multiple things at once? Put yourself to the test
Here’s an easy alt 😜 #shorts #focus #goals #energy #motivation #flowstate #mindfulness
The Mental Level
Here’s an easy alt 😜 #shorts #focus #goals #energy #motivation #flowstate #mindfulness
Deep listening is only possible with this internal shift
The Mental Level
Deep listening is only possible with this internal shift
Essence of your existence in 30 seconds 🤯 #shorts #spiritual #flowstate #presence #mindfulness
The Mental Level
Essence of your existence in 30 seconds 🤯 #shorts #spiritual #flowstate #presence #mindfulness
It’s rocket powered 🚀 #shorts #focus #flowstate #meditation
The Mental Level
It’s rocket powered 🚀 #shorts #focus #flowstate #meditation
How to stop your neurotic overthinking for good
The Mental Level
How to stop your neurotic overthinking for good
Embracing Change Meditation: turn fear of the unknown into flow & joy
The Mental Level
Embracing Change Meditation: turn fear of the unknown into flow & joy
Your hero might be the reason you're holding back
The Mental Level
Your hero might be the reason you're holding back
Wowww 🤯😭 #shorts #focus #flowstate #mindfulness #meditation #spiritual #presence #relax
The Mental Level
Wowww 🤯😭 #shorts #focus #flowstate #mindfulness #meditation #spiritual #presence #relax
It moves quick so lock in 🔥 #shorts #relax #breathing #spiritual #mindfulness
The Mental Level
It moves quick so lock in 🔥 #shorts #relax #breathing #spiritual #mindfulness
It only takes seconds to access 🤯 #shorts #focus #mindfulness #meditation
The Mental Level
It only takes seconds to access 🤯 #shorts #focus #mindfulness #meditation
you're trying too hard.
The Mental Level
you're trying too hard.
You might start tap dancing 💃 #shorts #focus
The Mental Level
You might start tap dancing 💃 #shorts #focus
Smooth & Soothing Sleep Meditation: unbelievably relaxing rest.
The Mental Level
Smooth & Soothing Sleep Meditation: unbelievably relaxing rest.
A manifestation meditation that actually works
The Mental Level
A manifestation meditation that actually works
A true story about how to let the universe do all the work for you
The Mental Level
A true story about how to let the universe do all the work for you
End your addictions and live freely with these 4 skills
The Mental Level
End your addictions and live freely with these 4 skills
Love It All Meditation: practice this 1/wk to rapidly develop profound unconditional love.
The Mental Level
Love It All Meditation: practice this 1/wk to rapidly develop profound unconditional love.
3 Life-Changing Lessons from THE LION KING You Forgot
The Mental Level
3 Life-Changing Lessons from THE LION KING You Forgot
Enter flow state consistently by not taking credit for your best work
The Mental Level
Enter flow state consistently by not taking credit for your best work
Why manifestation actually works (& how to easily do it)
The Mental Level
Why manifestation actually works (& how to easily do it)
One small shift #shorts #mindfulness
The Mental Level
One small shift #shorts #mindfulness
When the anxiety goes to your head... #shorts #mentalhealth #shortfilm #mindful #theuntetheredsoul
The Mental Level
When the anxiety goes to your head... #shorts #mentalhealth #shortfilm #mindful #theuntetheredsoul
What to do when the voice in your head won't stop talking
The Mental Level
What to do when the voice in your head won't stop talking
Actually ridiculous 😭🤯 #lifehack #shorts #focus #mindfulness #flowstate #meditation #presence #zen
The Mental Level
Actually ridiculous 😭🤯 #lifehack #shorts #focus #mindfulness #flowstate #meditation #presence #zen
How to Succeed Wildly Without Needing to Compete
The Mental Level
How to Succeed Wildly Without Needing to Compete
This One Video Could Cure Your Anxiety
The Mental Level
This One Video Could Cure Your Anxiety
Inner Surrender + Outer Action: a guided session to unlock your power
The Mental Level
Inner Surrender + Outer Action: a guided session to unlock your power
Slow Wave Sleep Meditation: enter the delta of blissful, deep rest.
The Mental Level
Slow Wave Sleep Meditation: enter the delta of blissful, deep rest.
Nothing & Everything Meditation: dissolve in the bliss of the universe
The Mental Level
Nothing & Everything Meditation: dissolve in the bliss of the universe
Unconditional Love Meditation: feel it on the deepest level.
The Mental Level
Unconditional Love Meditation: feel it on the deepest level.
Inner Body Meditation: turn into Pure Vibration
The Mental Level
Inner Body Meditation: turn into Pure Vibration
How to Sleep Deeply Without Trying
The Mental Level
How to Sleep Deeply Without Trying
Reboot your mind and body in 3 minutes flat
The Mental Level
Reboot your mind and body in 3 minutes flat
Exist in your full potential by releasing all expectations
The Mental Level
Exist in your full potential by releasing all expectations
If you "can't meditate," try this instead
The Mental Level
If you "can't meditate," try this instead
A fun way to sleep SUPER deeply tonight (you've never tried this)
The Mental Level
A fun way to sleep SUPER deeply tonight (you've never tried this)
Boost Your Creative Juices & Energy x10 with this One Easy Exercise
The Mental Level
Boost Your Creative Juices & Energy x10 with this One Easy Exercise
Natural Pain Relief: A 3-Step Guided Meditation.
The Mental Level
Natural Pain Relief: A 3-Step Guided Meditation.
How to LET GO of OVERTHINKING: get into an effortlessly relaxed vibe
The Mental Level
How to LET GO of OVERTHINKING: get into an effortlessly relaxed vibe
Subtle Vibration Sleep Meditation: a uniquely, resoundingly deep rest.
The Mental Level
Subtle Vibration Sleep Meditation: a uniquely, resoundingly deep rest.
If you're burnt out on work: a meditation to make a REAL change.
The Mental Level
If you're burnt out on work: a meditation to make a REAL change.
A different kind of gratitude meditation (feel it more deeply).
The Mental Level
A different kind of gratitude meditation (feel it more deeply).
How to release your emotions when you don't know what you're feeling
The Mental Level
How to release your emotions when you don't know what you're feeling
Deep Breath Sleep Meditation, with a super chill jungle soundscape.
The Mental Level
Deep Breath Sleep Meditation, with a super chill jungle soundscape.
Re-Write Limiting Beliefs EASILY: The Inner Canvas Technique.
The Mental Level
Re-Write Limiting Beliefs EASILY: The Inner Canvas Technique.
An Uber-Meditation to expand your awareness past yourself.
The Mental Level
An Uber-Meditation to expand your awareness past yourself.
Nurturing Sadness Meditation: heal, process, & create space.
The Mental Level
Nurturing Sadness Meditation: heal, process, & create space.
Energy Center Sleep Meditation: mind-blowingly deep sleep.
The Mental Level
Energy Center Sleep Meditation: mind-blowingly deep sleep.
Master the Drop-Off Phase: boredom is gone forever.
The Mental Level
Master the Drop-Off Phase: boredom is gone forever.
The Beach: a visualization journey for total relaxation.
The Mental Level
The Beach: a visualization journey for total relaxation.
Inner Fountain Meditation: fill your own cup.
The Mental Level
Inner Fountain Meditation: fill your own cup.
A sleep meditation so deep, you'll spring out of bed tomorrow.
The Mental Level
A sleep meditation so deep, you'll spring out of bed tomorrow.
Slow Motion Meditation: unlock your grounded effortless power.
The Mental Level
Slow Motion Meditation: unlock your grounded effortless power.
Answer these 5 questions (subconsciously) to level up your life
The Mental Level
Answer these 5 questions (subconsciously) to level up your life
A guided experience to accept your life without getting stuck in it.
The Mental Level
A guided experience to accept your life without getting stuck in it.
High Pressure Performance Visualization: be Effortlessly Calm WHILE Nervous.
The Mental Level
High Pressure Performance Visualization: be Effortlessly Calm WHILE Nervous.
This gets underrated because of how simple it is 😅 #shorts #acceptance #mentalhealth #mindfulness
The Mental Level
This gets underrated because of how simple it is 😅 #shorts #acceptance #mentalhealth #mindfulness
Adjust and apply in a way that works for you #shorts #focus #presence #anxiety #adhd #phones #calm
The Mental Level
Adjust and apply in a way that works for you #shorts #focus #presence #anxiety #adhd #phones #calm
Reverse Psychology Sleep Meditation: Deep Rest. No Effort.
The Mental Level
Reverse Psychology Sleep Meditation: Deep Rest. No Effort.
This is 2023 c’mon man 😭 #shorts #mentalhealth #phoneaddiction #focus #adhd #anxiety #calm #thenow
The Mental Level
This is 2023 c’mon man 😭 #shorts #mentalhealth #phoneaddiction #focus #adhd #anxiety #calm #thenow
This is not mutually exclusive with protecting yourself of course #shorts #relationships #awareness
The Mental Level
This is not mutually exclusive with protecting yourself of course #shorts #relationships #awareness
Boom. #peace #shorts #mindfulness #mentalhealth #calm #presence #meditation #relax #thenow #flow
The Mental Level
Boom. #peace #shorts #mindfulness #mentalhealth #calm #presence #meditation #relax #thenow #flow
Playfulness Meditation: Feel Like a Kid Again
The Mental Level
Playfulness Meditation: Feel Like a Kid Again
No one knows why this works 😭😂 #shorts #focus #meditation #anxiety #relax #mentalhealth #stillness
The Mental Level
No one knows why this works 😭😂 #shorts #focus #meditation #anxiety #relax #mentalhealth #stillness
But actually wtf 😭🌊 #shorts #focus #meditation #mentalhealth #awareness #manifest #fitness #relax
The Mental Level
But actually wtf 😭🌊 #shorts #focus #meditation #mentalhealth #awareness #manifest #fitness #relax
A Meditation to Let Go of the Past & Receive New, Inspired Energy
The Mental Level
A Meditation to Let Go of the Past & Receive New, Inspired Energy
Lists are annoying but whatever let’s go 🔥 #shorts #dopamine #focus #calm #presence #awareness #zen
The Mental Level
Lists are annoying but whatever let’s go 🔥 #shorts #dopamine #focus #calm #presence #awareness #zen
30 Min Max Impact Morning Meditation: Calm Focus ALL DAY.
The Mental Level
30 Min Max Impact Morning Meditation: Calm Focus ALL DAY.
Did you know you could do this?#shorts #focus #mindfulness #meditation #anxiety #adhd #calm #fitness
The Mental Level
Did you know you could do this?#shorts #focus #mindfulness #meditation #anxiety #adhd #calm #fitness
It’s a deciding factor most of the time 🔥 #shorts #focus #flowstate #mindfulness #meditation #relax
The Mental Level
It’s a deciding factor most of the time 🔥 #shorts #focus #flowstate #mindfulness #meditation #relax
Would that it were so simple #shorts #addiction #mentalhealth #mindfulness #cravings #anxiety #calm
The Mental Level
Would that it were so simple #shorts #addiction #mentalhealth #mindfulness #cravings #anxiety #calm
This level of relaxation should be impossible (Guided ASMR)
The Mental Level
This level of relaxation should be impossible (Guided ASMR)
You were never shown the easiest way to manifest
The Mental Level
You were never shown the easiest way to manifest
Did you feel it? #shorts #frequency #love #mindfulness #mentalhealth #meditation #manifesting #calm
The Mental Level
Did you feel it? #shorts #frequency #love #mindfulness #mentalhealth #meditation #manifesting #calm
If you notice the gap, see if you can maintain it 🤯 #shorts #mindfulness #meditation #mentalhealth
The Mental Level
If you notice the gap, see if you can maintain it 🤯 #shorts #mindfulness #meditation #mentalhealth
Also, wearing this shirt helps. 🛸 #shorts #expectations #mentalhealth #presence #mindfulness #relax
The Mental Level
Also, wearing this shirt helps. 🛸 #shorts #expectations #mentalhealth #presence #mindfulness #relax
If this blows your mind, check some longer tracks 🤯 #shorts #focus #flowstate #thenow #meditation
The Mental Level
If this blows your mind, check some longer tracks 🤯 #shorts #focus #flowstate #thenow #meditation
It’s like a superpower. 😭 #shorts #lifehack #focus #mindfulness #meditation #presence #spiritual
The Mental Level
It’s like a superpower. 😭 #shorts #lifehack #focus #mindfulness #meditation #presence #spiritual
Science now says this is better (and faster) than a nap
The Mental Level
Science now says this is better (and faster) than a nap
If you want direct proof, follow along 🤯 #shorts #presence #mentalhealth #mindfulness #meditation
The Mental Level
If you want direct proof, follow along 🤯 #shorts #presence #mentalhealth #mindfulness #meditation
It moves quick, stay calm and focused 🔥 #shorts #focus #adhd #hyperfocus #dopamine #meditation #zen
The Mental Level
It moves quick, stay calm and focused 🔥 #shorts #focus #adhd #hyperfocus #dopamine #meditation #zen
It shouldn’t be this easy #shorts #focus #hyperfocus #adhd #calm #meditation #presence
The Mental Level
It shouldn’t be this easy #shorts #focus #hyperfocus #adhd #calm #meditation #presence
It’s literally not what you think. 😂 #shorts #focus #happiness #mindfulness #awareness #joy #zen
The Mental Level
It’s literally not what you think. 😂 #shorts #focus #happiness #mindfulness #awareness #joy #zen
Spontaneous Focus Meditation: access superhuman flow state.
The Mental Level
Spontaneous Focus Meditation: access superhuman flow state.
Why does this work in 57 seconds #shorts #focus #flow #thezone #meditation #thenow #zen #calm
The Mental Level
Why does this work in 57 seconds #shorts #focus #flow #thezone #meditation #thenow #zen #calm
Practice makes whatever it makes #shorts #focus #calm #meditation #spiritual #fitness #sports #zen
The Mental Level
Practice makes whatever it makes #shorts #focus #calm #meditation #spiritual #fitness #sports #zen
Your brain has another gear 🤯 #shorts #focus #meditation #awareness #flow #relax
The Mental Level
Your brain has another gear 🤯 #shorts #focus #meditation #awareness #flow #relax
Why does no one teach us this 😭 #shorts #focus #meditation #mindfulness #presence #overthinking
The Mental Level
Why does no one teach us this 😭 #shorts #focus #meditation #mindfulness #presence #overthinking
Use this new technique for proven 5x odds of reaching your goals
The Mental Level
Use this new technique for proven 5x odds of reaching your goals
Could you do this on the first try? 🤹‍♂️ #shorts #focus #mentalhealth #flow #meditation #fitness
The Mental Level
Could you do this on the first try? 🤹‍♂️ #shorts #focus #mentalhealth #flow #meditation #fitness
It’s different for everyone #shorts #mindblown #flow #presence #meditation #spiritual #manifesting
The Mental Level
It’s different for everyone #shorts #mindblown #flow #presence #meditation #spiritual #manifesting
This shouldn’t work in 60 secs but somehow it does 😭 #shorts #flowstate #focus #anxiety #meditation
The Mental Level
This shouldn’t work in 60 secs but somehow it does 😭 #shorts #flowstate #focus #anxiety #meditation
Did you feel it right away? 🤯 #shorts #focus #energy #presence #meditation
The Mental Level
Did you feel it right away? 🤯 #shorts #focus #energy #presence #meditation
The 3 Hour Rule: *cure* your phone addiction for real.
The Mental Level
The 3 Hour Rule: *cure* your phone addiction for real.
Absolutely ridiculous 😭 #focus #flowstate #adhd #relax #presence #meditation
The Mental Level
Absolutely ridiculous 😭 #focus #flowstate #adhd #relax #presence #meditation
What came up for you? 🤯 #shorts #focus #mindfulness #mentalhealth #adhd #lifehack #spiritual #relax
The Mental Level
What came up for you? 🤯 #shorts #focus #mindfulness #mentalhealth #adhd #lifehack #spiritual #relax
It shouldn’t be this easy 😭🤯 #shorts #lifehack #flowstate #relax #focus #mentalhealth #meditation
The Mental Level
It shouldn’t be this easy 😭🤯 #shorts #lifehack #flowstate #relax #focus #mentalhealth #meditation
Telepathic Love Meditation: Transform Your Relationships With Miraculous Quickness
The Mental Level
Telepathic Love Meditation: Transform Your Relationships With Miraculous Quickness
Effortless REM Sleep Meditation: a Full Nervous System Reset
The Mental Level
Effortless REM Sleep Meditation: a Full Nervous System Reset
Rainy Mood Relaxation Meditation: Capture the Magical Space that Only Pitter-Patter Creates
The Mental Level
Rainy Mood Relaxation Meditation: Capture the Magical Space that Only Pitter-Patter Creates
Become Spider-Man Meditation: Activate Your Spidey-Senses and Enter the Zone of Total Fun & Freedom
The Mental Level
Become Spider-Man Meditation: Activate Your Spidey-Senses and Enter the Zone of Total Fun & Freedom
Why does this work so quickly 😭😂 #lifehack #focus #mindfulness #stoic #adhd #shorts
The Mental Level
Why does this work so quickly 😭😂 #lifehack #focus #mindfulness #stoic #adhd #shorts
Impossible Presence Meditation: Go Deeper into the Zone Than You Ever Thought Possible
The Mental Level
Impossible Presence Meditation: Go Deeper into the Zone Than You Ever Thought Possible
Why does this work on the first try? 😭🤯 #flowstate #focus #mindfulness #meditation #shorts
The Mental Level
Why does this work on the first try? 😭🤯 #flowstate #focus #mindfulness #meditation #shorts
Deep Sleep Meditation with Affirmations: Create Subconscious Freedom and Restorative Rest
The Mental Level
Deep Sleep Meditation with Affirmations: Create Subconscious Freedom and Restorative Rest
Magic Magnet Meditation: Blow Your Own Mind with How Indistractable You Can Be
The Mental Level
Magic Magnet Meditation: Blow Your Own Mind with How Indistractable You Can Be
Spirit Animal Meditation: Embody Your Primal Wisdom
The Mental Level
Spirit Animal Meditation: Embody Your Primal Wisdom
ADHD Rapid Focus Challenge: 5 mins to Get You Super Calm & Locked In
The Mental Level
ADHD Rapid Focus Challenge: 5 mins to Get You Super Calm & Locked In
Disciplined Habits Meditation: Forge Navy SEAL Level Consistency Beginning With Your Mind
The Mental Level
Disciplined Habits Meditation: Forge Navy SEAL Level Consistency Beginning With Your Mind
Easy Deep Sleep Meditation: Careen off to Dreamland With Koala-Esque Ease
The Mental Level
Easy Deep Sleep Meditation: Careen off to Dreamland With Koala-Esque Ease
Rejuvenation Meditation for Stress, Burnout & Exhaustion: Rest Deeply & Re-Discover Your Radiance
The Mental Level
Rejuvenation Meditation for Stress, Burnout & Exhaustion: Rest Deeply & Re-Discover Your Radiance
Crazy Focus Challenge Meditation: Test Your Mental Agility Like a Samurai & Create a Flow State Fast
The Mental Level
Crazy Focus Challenge Meditation: Test Your Mental Agility Like a Samurai & Create a Flow State Fast
No one knows why this works so well 🤷‍♂️ #shorts
The Mental Level
No one knows why this works so well 🤷‍♂️ #shorts
If this blows your mind, keep practicing #shorts
The Mental Level
If this blows your mind, keep practicing #shorts
Well, which is it? #shorts
The Mental Level
Well, which is it? #shorts
It works almost too well. Sub for more #shorts
The Mental Level
It works almost too well. Sub for more #shorts
See if you can tell the difference. #shorts
The Mental Level
See if you can tell the difference. #shorts
Can you keep up? #shorts
The Mental Level
Can you keep up? #shorts
Can you feel your fingers buzzing? #shorts
The Mental Level
Can you feel your fingers buzzing? #shorts
Effortless Mastery for Musicians & Athletes Meditation: Master Your Craft With Max Ease & Relaxation
The Mental Level
Effortless Mastery for Musicians & Athletes Meditation: Master Your Craft With Max Ease & Relaxation
Dreamless Sleep Meditation: Enter the Delta Wave Zone for Total Restorative Rest
The Mental Level
Dreamless Sleep Meditation: Enter the Delta Wave Zone for Total Restorative Rest
5 Minute Mind-Blowing Meditation to Enter The Zone Easily
The Mental Level
5 Minute Mind-Blowing Meditation to Enter The Zone Easily
Mufasa Meditation: Remember Your Inner Lion King or Queen and Let Your Light Burn Brightly Once More
The Mental Level
Mufasa Meditation: Remember Your Inner Lion King or Queen and Let Your Light Burn Brightly Once More
Boost Your Self-Esteem Meditation: Let Go of Your Fake Ego & Re-Discover Radiant Childlike Joy
The Mental Level
Boost Your Self-Esteem Meditation: Let Go of Your Fake Ego & Re-Discover Radiant Childlike Joy
Master Your Mind Meditation: Embody The Observer of Your Thoughts to Become Stress-Free and Spacious
The Mental Level
Master Your Mind Meditation: Embody The Observer of Your Thoughts to Become Stress-Free and Spacious
Deep Emotional Release & Transformation: The GUIDED Letting Go Technique to Help You Totally Reset
The Mental Level
Deep Emotional Release & Transformation: The GUIDED Letting Go Technique to Help You Totally Reset
Burrito Meditation: Experience Deep Comfort & Relaxation By Transforming Into a Fully-Filled Burrito
The Mental Level
Burrito Meditation: Experience Deep Comfort & Relaxation By Transforming Into a Fully-Filled Burrito
Self-Compassion Meditation: Stop Self-Criticism & Start Feeling Empowered
The Mental Level
Self-Compassion Meditation: Stop Self-Criticism & Start Feeling Empowered
Don't Take a Nap -- Do This NSDR Yoga Nidra for All the Benefits and None of the Post-Nap Foggy-Grog
The Mental Level
Don't Take a Nap -- Do This NSDR Yoga Nidra for All the Benefits and None of the Post-Nap Foggy-Grog
Emotionally Numb, Hurt or Closed? Do This Heart-Opening Meditation to Feel Radically Different Now
The Mental Level
Emotionally Numb, Hurt or Closed? Do This Heart-Opening Meditation to Feel Radically Different Now
Always Relaxed Meditation: Live Like You're On Vacation, But Still Get Everything Done
The Mental Level
Always Relaxed Meditation: Live Like You're On Vacation, But Still Get Everything Done
Alignment Meditation: Quantum-Jump Timelines Into Your Best Reality Now Instead of Waiting Til Later
The Mental Level
Alignment Meditation: Quantum-Jump Timelines Into Your Best Reality Now Instead of Waiting Til Later
2 Minute Calm Energy & Flow State Meditation: Relaxation & Presence Is Easy to Create With Your Mind
The Mental Level
2 Minute Calm Energy & Flow State Meditation: Relaxation & Presence Is Easy to Create With Your Mind
Space-Time Bridging: Slow Down Time & Create Powerful Focus With This Andrew Huberman Technique
The Mental Level
Space-Time Bridging: Slow Down Time & Create Powerful Focus With This Andrew Huberman Technique
Powerful Technique to Do What You Think You "Can't": Overcome Fear & Apathy and Re-Write Your Story
The Mental Level
Powerful Technique to Do What You Think You "Can't": Overcome Fear & Apathy and Re-Write Your Story